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2020-05-19 10:30:02


盼望的新年,盼望的2020年如期而至,然而,在这新的一年仅过去一个月的时间,在我的身上,传染了从未有过的流感 甲流 ,接着和我朝夕相处的弟弟也未能幸免。

I hope that the new year and 2020 will come as scheduled. However, only one month has passed in this new year. In my body, I have never been infected with influenza A, and my brother, who gets along with me day and night, has not been spared.

元旦节那天,一早我就没有什么胃口,看着妈妈做的美食,我感叹到: 嘴巴说好想吃呀,肚子却说你不能吃,吃了我也会让你吐出来的。 整个人没有一点精神,睡了一觉还是很难受,额头特别烫,弟弟情况也和我一样。后来爸爸妈妈带我们去了医院,果不其然,我和弟弟都被确诊了 甲流 。 甲流 突如其来的闯入,让我应接不暇,首先,我的假期作业没法按时完成,假期过后,我又不能和同学们一样回到教室上课,紧张的复习阶段我只能在家独立完成,最后在1月8日的期末考试,还被安排在了别的教室进行。

On New Year s day, I had no appetite in the early morning. Looking at the delicious food my mother made, I sighed: my mouth says I want to eat, but my stomach says you can t eat, and I will make you vomit after eating. There is no spirit in the whole person. It s hard to sleep. My forehead is very hot. My brother s situation is the same as mine. Later, mom and Dad took us to the hospital, and sure enough, my brother and I were diagnosed with H1N1 . The a stream broke in suddenly, which made me busy. First of all, my holiday homework couldn t be finished on time. After the holiday, I couldn t go back to the classroom like my classmates. In the tense review stage, I could only finish it at home independently. Finally, the final exam on January 8 was arranged in another classroom.

期末结束后,我们作为少先队员,组织了假日小队 红领巾学先锋 活动,可就在活动前夕,各方传来了 新型冠状病毒 肺炎的消息,疫情十分严重,为了大家的安全,我们的活动取消了。

After the end of the term, as a young pioneer, we organized the red scarf study pioneer activity of the holiday team. On the eve of the activity, the news of new coronavirus pneumonia came from all parties. The epidemic was very serious. For your safety, our activity was cancelled.

新型冠状病毒 的源头发生地在武汉,随之蔓延至周边城市,如今这个恐怖的病毒扩散到了我们全中国,乃至国外。病毒的来袭更是给我们每一个人的生活带来了一些不便,正值春节与寒假期间,我们不能外出游玩,不能走亲访友,不能组织外出活动,宅在家里才是唯一安全的办法,这也是保护自己,保护家人的最好办法。因为保护好自己,才能保护好家人,也是尽社会责任。

The source of new coronavirus occurred in Wuhan and then spread to the surrounding cities. Now, this terrible virus has spread to all of China and even abroad. The coming of the virus brings some inconvenience to everyone s life. During the Spring Festival and winter vacation, we can t go out to play, visit relatives and friends, and organize activities. Staying at home is the only safe way, which is the best way to protect ourselves and the family. Only by protecting ourselves can we protect our families and fulfill our social responsibilities.

面对病毒,我们所有人齐心协力,特别是可爱可敬的医生护士们,她们不顾自己随时被传染的风险,冲在最前线,化身为无比勇敢的 战士 ,与病魔决战。希望这场没有硝烟的战争早日结束,我们的 战士 们早日凯旋归来。

In the face of the virus, we all work together, especially the lovely and respectable doctors and nurses, who, regardless of the risk of being infected at any time, rush to the front line, incarnate themselves as extremely brave soldiers and fight against the disease. I hope that this war without gunpowder will be ended as soon as possible and that our soldiers will return as soon as possible.


Finally, as a primary school student, I call on everyone to wash their hands frequently, wear masks when going out, and keep away from the flu virus, starting from each of us!



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