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2020-05-23 12:51:01

122018 年中考英语作文热门话题预测 预测(一)共享单车 共享单车无疑是今年的火爆热点之一,它为我们的生活带来了极大的便利。今天, 选择的2018 中考英语写作预测话题是:共享单车。 预测题目 假定你是红星中学初三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中 国新近出现的一种共享单车“mobike”很感兴趣,并请你做个简要介绍。请你给Jim 回信,内容包括: 这种单车的使用方法(如:APP查看车辆、扫码开锁等); 你对这种单车的看法。注意:1. 词数不少于80; 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。提示词:智能手机 smartphone, 二维码 QRcode 参考范文 Dear Jim, tellyou more about newform bike mobikementioned yourlatest letter. veryconvenient youhave smartphone.What you do nearestmobike through APP,scan QRcode enjoyyour trip. 12Compared otherforms sharingbike, greatestadvantage youcan easily find one neverworry about where newtrend transportation,which relieves trafficpressure doesgood well.Hope China.Yours, Li Hua 共享单车在苏州投入使用以来,给人们带来了诸多便利,受到人们的追捧, 改变了人们的出行方式,但同时也遇到了一些挑战,是国民素质的“照妖镜”, 请你根据表格中信息的提示,给21世纪英文报写一篇关于共享单车看法的稿件。 社会现状 自从出现,饱受赞誉。[来源:学。科。网 费用不高,负担得起存在问题 占道挡路你的观点 我认为 参考词汇:公共自行车public bicycles 注意事项:1.短文须包括表格中所有提示内容,要求语句通顺,意思连贯。 2.表格中“你的观点”一栏用2 3 句话展开合理想象,做适当发挥。 3.词数在90 个左右,文章的开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。 Public bicycles becomingmore morepopular ourdaily life. 参考范文Public bicycles becomingmore morepopular ourdaily life. havewon 12high praise since appeared.Public bicycles have brought us many advantages. seeneverywhere so getaround publicbicycles. Also, Riding bicycles ourhealth alsocan help reduce pollution. What’s more, using public bicycles costs so little wecan afford someproblems too. Some people can’t return public bicycles time.Sometimes because public bicycles take up too much ourway. thinkwe should encourage more people usepublic bicycles. After all, greenlife. 预测(二)沉迷网络游戏 题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么 帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80 字的短文。字迹工整,语言 流畅。 提示词:give up concentrate 范文Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games hefell behind others. goodfriend mustdo something helphim. Firstly, veryimportant learnlessons well. He should spend most histime hisstudy instead computergames. Secondly, musttell him playingcomputer games too much hishealth, especially hiseyes. So he must give canplay more sports himafter school. Maybe he becomemore interested sportsthan computer games. llask him concentratemore hisstudy. trymy best helphim allhis subjects. cando manyfun ways lethim find much fun sametime, llask both his parents ourteachers helphim, too. surehe makegreat progress soon. 12预测(三)二胎 国家开放二孩政策后,很多同学都面临着即将做哥哥或姐姐的情况。 预测题目 假如你是学生李华,在家是独生子女,国家开放二孩政策后,你的父母想再生一 个孩子,征求你的意见。恰好你的美国笔友Peter 来信询问我国的二孩政策。你 给他回一封信,内容要点如下: 征求Peter的看法。 注意: 词数100左右; 开头语已为你写好,不计入字数。Dear Peter, havereceived your letter two childpolicy inChina. Yours Li Hua 参考范文 Dear Peter, havereceived your letter two childpolicy Chinesegovernment recently plans one childpolicy two childpolicy, meaning everyfamily havetwo children. Now my parents have made givebirth secondchild, which worries me greatdeal. Though growup shareeverything her.Most importantly, what lovefrom my parents totallyswitched newchild youhave youngersister, did you have similar problems? What’s your opinion about amlooking forward yourearly reply. Yours Li Hua 预测(四)交通问题 越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了很多问 题,如塞车和车祸,给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。作为中学生,我们应该怎样 请写一篇有关交通安全的短文80字左右 内容包含: 遵守交通规则,如走人行道/过斑马线。 别在街道上或马路上玩耍和踢球。 劝父母不能酒后驾车。 你可以适当增加内容,让短文通顺,过渡自然。 参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道 zebra crossing 斑马线 注:第一段已给出,不计入总数 参考范文 morecars coming ourfamilies, we hasgreatly improved our life. hasalso brought many problems, heavytraffic trafficaccidents. Traffic safety everybodysbusiness. We must obey example,we must walk walkside, when we cross zebra crossing,stop lookright goacross fast. Don’t play football road.we can tell our parents drinkbefore runthrough red lights, laughwhile driving etc. We can say cars ourlife, onlywhen everybody thinks traffic safety businesscan we safedriving sidewalks.预测(五)开展有意的活动 为配合我市开展“创建文明城市build civilizedcity”活动,学校举办以 “How BehaveWell”为主题的英语征文比赛。现在请你根据所给提示内容, 用英语写一篇参赛短文。 提示:1. 衣着整洁; 要求:1.文章必须包括所给提示中1—4 项内容,可展开思路,适当发挥; 词数:80词左右。 How BehaveWell? civilizedcity, we students should try our best behavewell goodhabit keepour clothes clean tidy.Our city should keptclean every day. Don throwlitter spitabout. goodmanners say"Thank you" Weshould never say dirty words. alwaysready example,when we bus,we should give our seats babies.We should also obey traffic rules. When trafficlights red,we should stop. wedbetter laughloudly everyonebehaves well, our city morebeautiful moreattractive. 预测(六)假期打工 中学生应该在假期打工吗?你的看法呢? 预测题目 暑假就要到了。很多学生打算在假期打工锻炼自己,可是有些家长不同意。他们 认为打工既耽误学习,又不太安全。请你以“Should teenagers havepart time jobs?"为题写一篇80 词左右的短文,谈谈你的看法。 Should teenagers havepart time jobs? 参考范文 Should teenagers havepart time jobs? Summer holiday coming.Many students plan havepart time jobs. someparents disagree. students’time isn’tsafe myopinion, teenagers should dosome part time jobs. Firstly, canexperience different lives getmore knowledge outside school. Meanwhile, 12after learning about cherishwhat havenow. What’s more, teenagers should have chances makedecisions course,safety mostimport ant. Teenagers should learn protectthemselves when doing part time jobs. 预测(七)健康 健康的身体是我们成就一切事物的根本,没有健康,什么都无从谈起。 预测题目 健康的生活习惯对于成长中的我们是非常重要的。你认为健康的生活习惯应当是 怎样的呢?请根据下面的信息提示,写一篇短文,首句已给出。 信息提示:健康饮食;早睡早起,不熬夜;参加运动,强身健体。 要求:根据信息提示,把握要点,适当发挥,不逐字翻译。字数在80 词左右。 thinkhealthy habits veryimportant us.参考范文 thinkhealthy habits veryimportant us.All uswant healthy.First, we should get enough sleep during night.We can go bedearly getup early. Staying up late ourhealth. Second, we must have rightkinds food.We should eat more fruit lessmeat. We should drink water.We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise buildup our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before 12meals brushour teeth twice wedon’t feel well, we should go wecan do all above, we can live healthylife. 预测(八)减压 生活节奏加快,竞争日益激烈,让大多数中学生在生活和学习上或多或少产生了 压力,如何应对压力是大家不可回避的问题。 预测题目 为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以 "Less Pressure, Better Life"为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一 些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括: 我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。注意:文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。词数80~100。 参考范文 Less Pressure, Better Life Hello, boys girls!Pressure seriousproblem today’sworld. Students ourclass undertoo much pressure. Some students can’t get classmates,while others may worry about exams.10 alwaysunder pressure, too. My parents want me topstudent class.So sendme allkinds weekends.Last Monday evening, mymother. toldher reallyfelt tired. neededtime relax.My mother agreed last.So all.Thank you! 预测(九)毕业感想 2018 中考近在眼前,初三生们也在渐渐与母校和初中生活告别。此时此刻,相 信每位同学内心都感慨万千吧。 预测题目 初中生活马上就要结束了,三年的初中生活一定给你留下了很多挥之不去的回 忆。请你给大家讲一个最值得你回忆的故事。包括时间、人物、事情经过和事后 你的感想请不要写出真实的学校名称以及真实姓名。 提示词语: three years, memories, one oneday, think, happy/sorry 参考范文 How time flies! havestudied myschool threeyears. graduatefrom middleschool ameager sharemy happiness hadso many memories threeyears’ life. One themimpressed me very much. When learnEnglish, toodifficult. matterhow hard tried, stillcouldn’t do well almostgave myEnglish teacher found my problem, she had meabout how learnEnglish well. Since she11 12has kept helping me. Little little,I’ve become interested amso lucky becomeone herstudents. I’ve learned lotfrom her. helpothers when happything helpothers. 预测(十)校园暴力 遇见或亲身经历过校园暴力吗?千万别以为这是危言耸听,在学校必须注意维护 自己的人身安全。 预测题目 近年全国发生数起严重的校园暴力事件,某中学初三8 班围绕校园安全问题召开 主题班会。假定你是班长李华,以How protectourselves campusviolence 标题写一篇发言稿,主要包括如下内容:1.校园暴力事件已引起广泛关注。 2.要求每个学生都学习相关知识,增强自身防范能力。 3.遇到校园暴力时要采取适当措施,包括:保持冷静,判断清楚自己的处境和 可能的危险;尽一切可能避免人身伤害;及时报警。 注意:1.词数100 左右;开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:增强—enhance How protectourselves campusviolence Dear friends, year,some seriously violent incidents happened campus,resulting verybad results. all.Thank you! 12 12参考范文 How protectourselves campusviolence Dear friends, year,some seriously violent incidents happened campus,resulting verybad results. campusviolence have drawn widespread attention ourcountry. student,we should learn some knowledge about how wemeet violence,we should take appropriate measures protectourselves. first,we’d better keep calm, judge possibledangers. weshould try our best least,we should call physicalinjury. all.Thank you.



四年级作文小猫 什么的爱作文600字 写种植物的作文 最有趣的一堂课作文 写老师的作文600 同学的肖像作文200字 你好初中作文600字 弘扬优秀传统文化作文 幸福就在身边的作文 我的期待作文 从来不曾忘记作文 微笑着面对失败作文 关于灵山大佛的作文 改过自新的作文 越长大越孤单作文 童年的趣事作文200字 黄山奇石作文200字 小学作文秋天来了 身边的感动500字作文 关于清明节的作文400字 禁毒作文三年级 三年级作文唠叨的妈妈 英语作文广告模板 关于漫画的作文400字 英语作文议论文 小学生看图作文 学校跑步作文 去海边玩的作文300字 童话类作文 英文邮件作文