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2020-05-23 12:57:01

初三英语优秀作文5篇时间:2019 08 20 13:53:00本文内容及图片来源于读者投稿,如有侵权请联系xuexila888@qq.com 光宁 英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。下面是小编收集整理的初三英语优秀作文5篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。


My likes and dislikes

Hello, everyone. I am Jane. Everyone has his own likes and dislikes. I like to eat apples, pears and other fruits. I often eat vegetables, but I don t like junk food because they are harmful to my health. Weekend is free. I like playing badminton or volleyball with my friends. I feel very refreshed when I sweat. Besides these, I like reading and chatting, but I don t like people talking to me about everything without scruple. What about you?


Night sky

Night fell slowly and the whole sky was dyed black. Looking from afar, it is not only black that catches our eyes. There is a moon hanging high in the sky, beside which are a few shining stars. Occasionally several clouds float over to cover the moon, making it look like a ship. At this time, you can set up a cane chair, quietly enjoy the beauty of the night sky.

Looking up at the stars, I think of nature, which contains infinite mystery, we need to explore for ourselves, and constantly find its beauty.


Daming s Weekend

Daming is a fifth grade student. Apart from Monday to Friday, he goes to the farm to work for his uncle on weekends. On Saturday morning, he got up at 7:30 and rode his bicycle to the farm. He would feed his uncle chickens and ducks, or grow some crops. In his spare time, he would go to fish ponds to catch fish or go to the mountains to collect tea. My uncle always praised him as a good boy because Daming could do more work than he could. On Sunday, he and his uncle would go to the market to sell things. In this way, Daming s busy and happy weekend passed.


Value highly one s time

Many people say that time is precious, and I personally think so. Only 24 hours a day, time will not give that person an extra hour because of favoritism, we only cherish every minute and second, in order to complete the work in time. Some people waste a lot of time because they are lazy and regret it when time passes. We can t be like them. We must grasp every minute and every second and cherish time.


Introducing fruits

In addition to the food and vegetables we have to eat, fruits are also an important source of vitamins and inorganic salts. There are many kinds of fruits with different shapes. For example, an apple looks round and its skin is red. Bananas are yellow and curved. Watermelon is an oval shape with edible red watermelon meat. The grapes are small and round, like a string of pearls. Besides these, there are other kinds of fruits. But on the whole, fruits are good for our health.

We should eat more.









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