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求高中英语作文 假如你是新华中学的张华 班里转来了李明.不适应 按以下要点写1.帮

2020-05-23 17:57:01

求高中英语作文 假如你是新华中学的张华,班里转来了李明.不适应 按以下要点写1.帮他分析原因 2.给他提出建议3.陈述你帮助他的具体打算4.150字左右,开头已给好 Dear ling ming I know you are now having trouble communicating with others,and you may fell lonely.Dear Li Ming,I’m very glad to become your classmate.I know you are worried about your study and don’t know how to adapt yourself to the new environment.There are some suggestions about it and I hope they can help you.You know we always become puzzled when we go to a new environment because we don’t know anything about the people around us and even don’t know what to do.I think you should make friends with the students in our class.Then if you have any problem you can ask us or our teachers for help.We’ll try our best to help you.After class,I’ll show you around our school and tell you something about it.If you have any problem,please tell me and I will give you my advice not only on study but also on your life here.All in all,I hope you can adapt yourself to the new environment and we can become good friends.Best regards,Zhang Hua 题库

求高中英语作文 假如你是新华中学的张华 班里转来了李明.不适应 按以下要点写1.帮他分析原因 2.给他提出建议3.陈述你帮助他的具体打算4.150字左右 开头已给好 Dear ling ming I know you are now having trouble communicating with others and you may fell lonely.Dear Li Ming I’m very glad to become your classmate.I know you are worried about your study and don’t know how to adapt yourself to the new environment.There are some suggestions about it and I hope they can help you.You know we always become puzzled when we go to a new environment because we don’t know anything about the people around us and even don’t know what to do.I think you should make friends with the students in our class.Then if you have any problem you can ask us or our teachers for help.We’ll try our best to help you.After class I’ll show you around our school and tell you something about it.If you have any problem please tell me and I will give you my advice not only on study but also on your life here.All in all I hope you can adapt yourself to the new environment and we can become good friends.Best regards Zhang Hua



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