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2020-06-09 17:51:01

高考英语作文预测范文 对移动支付的看法 写作内容 1.用约30个单词写出上文概要。 2.用约120个单词阐述你对移动支付的看法, 并用2 3个理由或论 据支撑你的看法。 写作要求 1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句。 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 3.不必写标题。 参考词汇 QR code 二维码 Chinese consumers drop cash and skip cards to create worlds largest mobile payment market. A German named Thomas Derksen spent an entire day shopping in a major Chinese city without cash or a credit card. The 24 hour adventure in Hangzhou,which was streamed lived on the Internet,saw Derksen ride a bus,buy a bouquet of flower for his wife and even enjoy a street snack,all paid by using apps downloaded to his smartphone. “Going out without cash is something I couldnt imagine doing back home in Frankfurt”,says Derksen. After traveling to hundreds of cites in more than 30 countries,he believes Hangzhou,the captical of Zhejiang Province and home of Internet giant Alibaba Group,is NO.1 in terms of mobile payment. Statistics from the Hangzhou headquarted Ant Financial Services Group,the operator of Alipay,Chinas largest mobile payment service provider,show that about 98 percent of supermarkets.and more than 40,000 restaurants allow customers to pay with apps. Hangzhou is not unique in China,though.In most cities,especially developed metropolises,mobile payment apps are now a part of everyday life. In the second place,mobile payment signifies safety.Since no cash is needed in the future,we needntabout walletney being stolen any more.Nor do we need to be afraid of receiving fake money. Last but not least,mobile payment d



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