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找一篇关于英语中虚拟语气介绍的文章 和一篇全是用虚拟语气的200字作文

2020-06-14 09:45:02

1.用于if引出的条件句中虚拟语气用于if引出的与现在、过去及将来事实相反的条件句中.1)与现在事实相反的假设从句的谓语动词用过去式,系动词用were,主句的谓语用“shouldwould,could,might+动词原形”.If he were here,he would be greatly surprised.The spaceship would burn up if it went too close to the stars.2与过去事实相反的假设从句的谓语动词用“had+过去分词”,主句用“shouldwould,could,might+have+过去分词”.If I had been more careful,I wouldnt have made so many silly mistakes.3对将来发生的事实的假设从句的谓语动词用“shouldwere to+动词原形”,主句用“shouldwould,could,might+动词原形”,主从句的谓语动词也可和“与现在事实相反的假设”的谓语相同.If you should miss the chance,you would feel sorry for it.If you missed the chance,you would feel sorry for it.4错综时间条件句主句和从句的动作发生时间不一致,动词的形式应根据所表示的时间做出调整.If I were you,I would have attended the lecture.从句表示现在时间,主句表示过去时间)5)连词if的省略条件句中连词if可以省略,但从句要倒装,即将would,had,should等置于主语前.Were he here this afternoon,I would go with him.2.用于wish后的宾语从句中虚拟语气用于wish后的宾语从句中,表示现在、过去或将来不太可能实现的愿望1)表示现在的愿望谓语动词用一般过去式,系动词用were.I wish I knew his address.I wish he were a teacher.2表示过去的愿望谓语动词用“had+过去分词”I wish I had not told him the news.3表示将来的愿望谓语动词用“wouldcould,might+动词原形”.I wish I could read the novel in English.3.用于as if等引起的从句中虚拟语气用于as ifas though引起的状语从句或表语从句中,表示与现在、过去或将来的情况不符,其谓语动词形式与wish后宾语从句的形式相同.He often treats me as if I were a child.Peter talked as if he had really been there.He acts as if he would be a football star.She looks as if she were ill.



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