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2020-06-14 15:30:01

作文标题: Life and journey关 键 词: 高中高考 650字字 数: 650字作文本文适合: 高中高考作文来源:


本作文是关于高中高考650字的作文,题目为:《Life and journey》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

When first mentioned, the similarity between life and journey seem non existent. Life is the period between one’s birth and death but journey is an act of travelling from one place to another. However, when considered at length, I can realize the two are the same in same aspects.

To illustrate, both life and journey are line segments which have the starting point and ending point. Our life can be counted from the time we come to the world to the time that we go to the paradise. The distance between our departure place and destination is our journey.

Besides, both life and journey should have a plan to guide us. Life, with a goal, will be more meaningful and more substantial. In most cases, a life goal tells us what we should do and encourage us to persevere in pursuing our dreams, thereby, reminding us not to waste time. Journey, equipped with a map and a handbook, is more attracting and more interesting. With a map you can chose a convenient and fast transportation means and an economical travelling route. What’s more, a handbook can help you to visit the s...



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