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2020-06-16 15:06:01

Dear XXX, Its been awhile that we havent talked during school days, because you were absent so much. I was wondering what is going with you these days? I wanted to tell you missed a lot of school work and tests. It really affected your grades and work habits. I hope came to knowing that you need to pull yourself out of the gaming zone, before its too late. You are a great friend that I ever had, and I hope I can help you get out of troubles. I hope youre reading this letter and deeply conseider the things I said. I can see you are a good student in the beginning, but somehow you fell into the gaming world. Its like 27/4 thing for you now, but I know you wanted to get out of this situation as bad I wanted to come back to school. The further youre going into playing video games or online games will ruin your future, because you are a student that needs his education. I dont think this thing youre playing is going to get you anywhere far. Please look into this matter. I am looking forward to see your reply. Yours truly, xxx望采纳!谢谢



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