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专四易考满分范文背诵MP3+中英字幕 第22期:互联网是否是交流的理想替代品

2020-06-17 10:12:02

Is Internet based Means a Good Supplement for Communication?


Ever since the invention of Internet, some softwares for communication have been put into use one after another.


In my opinion, these Internet chatting tools are neutral by nature, be it QQ or MSN. According to my knowledge, many students at college use them to communicate with teachers and schoolmates for academic purposes.With these tools, they could keep in touch with their teachers, friends, and even family members, share useful information related to their lessons and solve academic problems sometimes. For these students, suchInternet based means not only promote interpersonal communication but also help with their study. On the contrary, just as a coin has both head and tail, these Internet based means have their problems, too, if not properly used. Some students spend a lot of time chatting with too many people through QQ or MSN, depriving themselves of precious time for study and rest. Still others, though not large in number, use QQ or MSN to spread harmful materials such as pornography, spoiling themselves and their cyber friends as well.


To sum up, whether or not such Internet based means as QQ or MSN could serve as a convenience for interpersonal communication and help with academic work depends totally on users themselves.





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