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2020-07-04 08:24:02

对于第一次参加托福考试考生而言,TPO全套资料是我们冲刺满分不可缺少的精华资料,只要将TPO里面托福写作彻底弄明白,相信获得托福写作26+的成绩一定都不难。 TPO1 34全套独立作文范文:TPO3

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It ismore important to keep your old friends than it is to make newfriends. Use specific reasons and examples to supportyour answer.


According to an Internet survey, almost 70% of people think thatit is more important to keep old friends than it is to make newfriends. I totally disagree with this idea. In my view, theimportance of keeping old friends is equal to the importance ofmaking new friends. I have several reasons for this opinion.

The importance of old friends in reducing stress cannot beexaggerated. Older friends have longer relationships with us;therefore, they know us better than new friends. When we encounterobstacles,it is our long term friends—our old friends—who give usthe best suggestions and help us get through our problems. Our newfriends sometimes cannot give adequate advice to us because they donot know our situations well enough. We need time to get to knowour friends. Last week, I faced the dilemma of whether to accept apromising job offer that would take me to another city. All ofmy new friends in my current company encouraged me to take theoffer because they thought the job had strong future prospects.However, one of my older friends discouraged me from accepting it,as he knew that my mother’s health condition was poor and that sheneeded someone to take care of her. I think his suggestion was thebest suited to me.

In other situations, old friends simply cannot help, and we neednew friends to lend a hand. New friends can mean a lot inemergencies. In an accident, for instance, an old friend who is faraway from you cannot offer any help. In such situations, newfriends often play a crucial role in helping us overcomedifficulties. After my cousin was in a car accident, his friends athis new company gave him a lot of help. Without the help of his newfriends, I doubt that he would have recovered as well ashe did.

I often wonder why some people emphasize the importance of havingone kind friend, especially an old friend. Maybe these people aresatisfied with the idea that old friends are moreimportant.Ultimately, I think we should develop all kinds offriendships in order to assure that we can get help whenever wehave trouble.





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