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2020-07-04 09:51:01

2018年8月25日场的已经结束,小站雅思君为你及时送上雅思大作文7分范文及解析。最近关于教育类的话题比较热,各位考生可以多多关注。本期大作文雅思大作文题目:Some people say that children should go to school as young as possible, while others believe that children should not start primary school until they are six or seven years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 雅思大作文解析 审题 本周考题要求考生讨论孩子们的上学年龄,这是一个非常古老的题目,同时也是我们在平时生活中经常讨论的话题,因此,唐老师相信这个题目对多数烤鸭来说应该不会陌生。 那么,孩子到底该什么时候去接受正规教育呢?是越小越好,还是到6、7岁后再上?很明显,这个问题是见仁见智的。事实上,的确有很多国家,孩子4、5岁就可以上小学,而在其他一些国家,孩子需要到6、7岁后才能上小学。每个国家当然是根据自己国家的情况来制定政策的。总体说来,孩子越早上学似乎有利于孩子的学习,同时还可以减轻父母的负担,让他们尽快重返工作岗位;但孩子上学过早也有问题,比如过早让孩子担负学习压力,可能让他们在将来失去学习的兴趣,同时,如果孩子们太小不理解教育的意义,他们未来变成问题学生的几率也会更大。 雅思大作文7分范文 There is much debate about when the transition between play based preschool and the start of formal schooling should begin. For different purposes, the formal school starting age varies from country to country, ranging from four to seven. Some people believe that “earlier is better”. On the one hand, children who receive formal instructions at four to five years old will hold advantages over those who start school at six to seven, since formal education can supply a good for children, promoting them to form their own ideas, communicate and socialize with other students, and develop their knowledge. On the other hand, it may also make it possible for parents to return to the workforce earlier and reduce childcare costs. Other people, however, argue that there will be negative consequences if children are forced to receive formal instruction at too early an age. This argument calls for an extension of informal, play based preschool for the start of formal schooling to be delayed until the age of six to seven. If children are brought into school very young and then they are asked to behave in ways they cannot, they may become problem children later. Abundant has shown that many of improper behaviors stem from starting school too early. In the interests of children’s academic s and emotional well being, these evidence should be taken seriously. In conclusion, although some people think that children should start formal schooling at four to five, others believe that it should be delayed until six to seven. The decision depends on each country’s primary school educational policy. In many parts of the world, this issue s to be debatable about which policy is more likely to pay off. 289 words 雅思大作文参考译文 关于什么时候开始从以玩耍为基础的学前教育向正规教育转变,有很多争论。出于不同目的,不同国家的正式入学年龄不同,从4岁到7岁均有。 有些人认为“越早越好”。一方面,在四至五岁时接受正式教育的儿童将比六至七岁开始上学的儿童占优势,因为正规教育可以为儿童提供良好的基础,促进他们形成自己的思想,与其他学生进行交流和社交,并发展他们的知识。另一方面,它还可能使父母提前返回劳动力市场,从而降低儿童保育成本。 然而,另一些人则认为,如果儿童过早地被迫接受正规教育,会产生负面影响。这个论点呼吁延长非正式的、以玩耍为主的学前阶段,以将正式入学的时间推迟到六岁到七岁。如果孩子很小就被带到学校,然后被要求以他们不能做到的方式做事,他们以后可能会变成有问题的孩子。大量的证据表明,许多不适合的行为都源于过早上学。为孩子的学业成绩和情感利益着想,这些证据值得认真对待。 总之,虽然有些人认为儿童应在4至5岁开始正规教育,但另一些人认为应该推迟到6至7岁。这个决定取决于每个国家的小学教育政策。在世界的许多地方,至于哪个政策更可能带来回报,仍有争议。 大作文高分句子 1. For different purposes, the formal school starting age varies from country to country, ranging from four to seven. 出于不同目的,不同国家的正式入学年龄不同,从4岁到7岁均有。 2. On the one hand, children who receive formal instructions at four to five years old will hold advantages over those who start school at six to seven, since formal education can supply a good foundation for children, promoting them to form their own ideas, communicate and socialize with other students, and develop their knowledge. 一方面,在四至五岁时接受正式教育的儿童将比六至七岁开始上学的儿童占优势,因为正规教育可以为儿童提供良好的基础,促进他们形成自己的思想,与其他学生进行交流和社交,并发展他们的知识。 3. If children are brought into school very young and then they are asked to behave in ways they cannot, they may become problem children later. 如果孩子很小就被带到学校,然后被要求以他们不能做到的方式做事,他们以后可能会变成有问题的孩子。 以上就是



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