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是否应该帮助陌生人?一 Should We Help Strangers? 一

2020-07-09 10:30:01

It is well known that the topic that whether we should help strangers when they get into trouble has attracted many persons attention. Whats more, the opinion differs from one person to another.当陌生人陷入困境的时候,我们是否应该帮助他们是个众所周知的话题,也吸引了很多人的注意。不同的人会有不一样的看法。First of all, some persons hold this view that ready to help others is the traditional virtue of China and we should help strangers when they are in trouble. However, there as well are some people who think that coming to strangers aid could cause great harm to ourselves and as a result of this, we shouldnt help strangers. Despite these are facts, in my view, there is no doubt that we should help strangers in good time. All of us need a hand once sometimes, if we don’t help others, how can expect others to help us. So there is great need for us to help strangers who are in the soup.首先,有些人持这乐于助人是中国的传统美德的观点说我们应该帮助陌生人当他们遇到麻烦时。然而,也有一些人认为对陌生人的援助可能会给自己造成巨大的伤害,所以,我们不应该帮助陌生人。虽然这些都是事实,但是我认为我们应该在恰当的时候毫不犹豫地帮助陌生人。我们每个人都需要帮助,如果我们不帮助别人,我们怎么能期待别人帮助我们呢。所以,我们很有必要帮助陌生人当他们需要帮助的时候。In a word, we should adhere to our moral code firmly. And we should give aid to strangers when they need help. Only in this way can our world become more harmonious.总之,我们要牢牢坚持我们的道德准则。在陌生人需要帮助的时候,我们应该帮助他们。只有这样,我们的世界才会变得更加和谐。




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