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2020-07-09 16:00:02

Chinese noodles1. First buy a bag of dry miso a pouch, so if two people2. Go home and pour out the dry miso the number depending on your appetite may be in a bowl. Then water raw water canSlowly and mix thoroughly3. Meat cut into Xiao Ding preferably a little fertilizer, fragrant D as small as possible? Nbsp; onion cut into the end of the reserve.4. Heat pan, pour oil. How many depending on your preference. Of course, not too little, or stick pan5. Heat the oil until after the Add diced meat, stir a stir.6. When diced 8 ripe, good sauce into the pot to adjust. Then tune into the fire to small fire7. Man Manao small fire in the sauce, stirring constantly with a spatula to prevent sticking pan. At the same time as the sauce add the appropriate amount of water, thick thin.8. Will cut spring onion into the pan, and beat two eggs half bag of dry miso more appropriate to put the two eggs into the sauceWithin the mix with a spatula.9. When sauce a flavor, color becomes yellowish oily closed when the fire, the sauce leaves the pot. Boil sauce longer,Because you can force the miso out of oil10. The going gets the sauce Aohaos, in the bowl, the cover wrap in the refrigerator stored next eat.Best not to put the open, to avoid the gross.Note: Do not any salt when boiled sauce! ! ! Because the sauce itself is salty.These are the paste method. The following is a code of practice cooking:1. Wash and shred cucumber, reserve2. Yellow, edible fungus water and is ready for use. Eggs, tomatoes reserve3. Mung bean sprouts, celery Cheuk good backup4. Set fire to the pot and let Heat a little oil. The egg into the pot one can scrambled eggs. Cut the tomatoes into the stray, slip pot which is also in order to have soup and clear mouth and then into fat, yellow and goodEar. Put a pinch of salt. Because it would be more salty sauce, so all the food must be light!Finally, the following section, noodles cooked, you can mix like butter and free up the food code. A bowl of deliciousNoodles out!Note: You can take a bowl of noodles at a little noodle soup in place. Sheng Shou Ganmian came out because it would be moreStick together, have some soup would be slippery, also a good mix of some.



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