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2020-07-16 10:33:01



XXXThe Internet is becoming more and more important for nearly everybody as it is one of the newest and most forward looking media and surely "the" medium of the future. The first thing we have to do is make a differentiation concerning the usage of the terms computer and Internet. You can use the Internet at home for personal use or you can use it at work for professional usage. Lets talk about the first. Spending part of our day on the Internet is for many people quite normal. They use this kind of medium to get information about all kinds topics. Maybe some of them are interested in chatting, probably they are members of a community. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it. Even if you want to find very specific information, you will find it in a short time. Normally, you often have to send a letter, then you often have to wait for the reply, or you have to make some telephone calls and so on. In any case, the traditional way is the longer one. To put your own information on the Internet is also possible. Create your own homepage, tell other users about your interests, what you want, thats no problem at all. Most of us know software can cost a lot, if you buy it legally. Free software, free music is available on the Internet. You just have to download the program, the mp3 file or whatever and thats all there is to it. Why would you want to pay more than you need to? Special websites are created just to give you the newest programs, or to tell you where you can get it from. So, as you can see computers and Internet go together and have opened our world in many ways. XXX



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