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什么品格的人才会成功 英语作文

2020-07-16 13:54:02

什么品格的人才会成功 英语作文 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 品格的人才会成功 英语作文 LV 2013 01 03 满意答案LV2013 01 03What is the most important quality for college students? Almost everyone has an unforgetable memory of college life. we have studied and lived in campus for four years. If be asked what should reflect the quality of the college studdents, I think it is honesty and faithfulness, the spirit of teamwork and the ability of self study. Firstly, the honest and faithfullness is benefit from our tearcher and parents. The communication should be based on honesty,no matter with friends or tearchers. As long as we treat people honestly, they would give us enough trust and an acceptence of our charater.So honest and faith is the benchmark of human beling and the basic quality of conlege students should have. Secondly, the spirit of teamwork should be advocated and popularized in college students. Univestify is not only an educational instuition, but alos a small "society".College students should also learn how to communicate with different people and work with his teamwork so as to fulfill the academic tasks. It would be helpful for us when we step into the real society. Also the spirit of teamwork would cultivate peoples sense of collective honor. Finally, self study ability is also a very important personal quality. The method of learning in university is not different from the way in junior or high school, it depends mostly on ourselves to learn or reaserch. To put forward a queston and then find the answer by ourselves ,or exchange different opinions with students in the terms of discussion way.It is really a good way to practice students learning ability. Therefore, the honesty , teamwork spirit and self ability is very important and cannt be ignored for the college students. We should cultivate more students with these important qualities in order to promote the comprehensive quality of chinese college students01 您可能感兴趣的内容 查看更多相关问题



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