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2020-07-20 09:06:01

Culture of China The Culture of China is home to one of the worlds oldest and most complex civilizations. China boasts a history rich in over 5,000 years of artistic, philosophical, political, and scientific advancement. Though regional differences provide a sense of diversity, commonalities in language and religion connect a culture distinguished by such significant contributions such as Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism was the official philosophy throughout most of Imperial Chinas history and strongly influenced other countries in East Asia. Mastery of Confucian texts provided the primary criterion for entry into the imperial bureaucracy.With the rise of Western economic and military power beginning in the mid 19th century, Western systems of social and political organization gained adherents in China. Some of these would be reformers rejected Chinas cultural legacy, while others sought to combine the strengths of Chinese and Western cultures.China is a unified nation consisting of many different ethnic groups. Fifty six different ethnic groups make up the great Chinese national family. Because the Han people accounts for more than ninety percent of Chinas population, the remaining fifty five groups are generally referred to as "ethnic minorities." Next to the majority Han, the Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, and Uygur peoples comprise the largest ethnic groups. Although Chinas ethnic minorities do not account for a large portion of the population, they are distributed over a vast area, residing in every corner of China.Particularly since the implementation of Chinas opening and reform policy, the central government has increased investment in minority areas and accelerated their opening to the outside world. This has resulted in an upsurge of economic development in these areas. Each of Chinas ethnic minority groups possesses a distinctive culture. The Chinese government respects minority customs, and works to preserve, study, and collate the cultural artifacts of Chinas ethnic minority groups. The government vigorously supports the development of minority culture and the training of minority cultural workers, and fosters the development of traditional minority medicine.The relation among Chinas ethnic groups can be described as "overall integration, local concentration, mutual interaction." Concentrations of ethnic minorities reside within predominantly Han areas, and the Han people also reside in minority areas, indicating that there has been extensive exchanges among Chinas ethnic groups since ancient times. With the development of the market economy, interaction among ethnic groups has become even more active in the areas of government, economics, culture, daily life, and marriage. Linked by interdependence, mutual assistance, and joint development, their common goals and interests creating a deep sense of solidarity, Chinas ethnic groups resemble a great national family, together building Chinese civilization.



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