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英语作文60字 My hometown 可以少一点 我想偷偷懒 耍耍赖~

2020-07-25 14:15:01

my hometown cangzhou,which is located in the esat of the Hebei province,is the place where I grow up.Nowadays,great changes has taken place in Cangzhou.There are more high building is being built,which makes our city take on a new look.Whats more, lots of people spend their free time walking in the street,enjoying the beautiful scence of Cangzhou. Cangzhou, the hometown of kongfu,is well known by Chinese.in order to keep fit,we are regard donging exercise as a important part in our daily life,which lead to the fact that most of us live a healthy life.What a beautiful city cangzhou is!We all love it ,my hometown



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