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急求英文作文“微笑的力量”80字以上 急两点之前

2020-07-28 13:36:01

Can you imagine a world without smiles? Can you bear seeing sad faces here and there? What a gloomy world it would be without smiles! Today my topic is “smile is the word that has changed the world”. Smile is something that is understood by everyone despite culture, race, or religion, and it is the most beautiful thing in life. Smile! We say it almost every time we snap a photo. What a magical word and what a wonderful action to take. Dont you wish we all had more smiles in our lives? An unknown poet wrote in his “A Babys Skies”: “Would you know the babys skies? Babys skies are mothers eyes. Mothers eyes and smile together make the babys pleasant weather.” When you opened the eyes at the first sight of the world, it was mom’s smile that welcomed you. When you feel lonely, a smile from strangers may light up your day. When you visit a new country, you may fall in love with it because its people greet you with a welcoming smile everywhere you go. When the vendor greets you in with a broad smile, you feel like buying from a certain store. You want to give a waiter a good tip when he serves you with a smile, even if the food turns out not that good. More and more examples from our everyday life show how much a simple smile can change everything. A smile is one of the most simple, inexpensive and amazing things in the world. Still, often we forget about this one powerful action while we get lost in the details of today and tomorrow. A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes only a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours. When someone smiles at you, dont you smile back and feel happy for a moment? That is a change...and it might change your world. Forever engraved in my mind will be the smiling faces of the people around, the friendly delivery boy, the welcoming supermarket vendor, the nice cashier at the bank …etc. Indeed, a smile can shorten the distance between people, to resolve embarrassing deadlock, to have communication between the minds, and to engender a sense of security, intimacy and pleasure. Ive heard that a flap of a butterflys wing can change the future. Do you think that a smile could do the same? I believe so. A smile may not change the whole world, but your smile will change mine



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