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2020-07-28 14:09:01

learntosmile英语作文及翻译学会微笑,这个世界就多一份温暖。下面是整理的关于learntosmile英语作文及翻译,欢饮个阅读和参考!learntosmile英语作文及翻译篇一Learn To Smile 学会微笑 If you ask me what is the most beautiful world?I think this sure is smile.如果要问我世间什么最美?我想:这肯定就是微笑. Smile is the most beautiful language in the world.That is because:it can 微笑是世界是最美丽的语言.那是因为:它可以使任何人感到高兴. make anyone happy.And this happiness is from the bottom of heart. 而且这种幸福是来自心底的. The smile is like a spring wind,so gentle when you are sad,it can make 微笑就像春天的风,那样温柔,当你难过的时候,它 you happy.When you fail in the exam,remember not to be unhappy. 可以使你开心.当你开始失败了,记住不要不高兴, Just to smile,smile to yourself;and you will have confident.when you 只是微笑,对自己微笑;你就会重拾信心. give up,it can make you try your best again.As a student, 当你要放弃时,它让你再尽力.作为一名学生, when we are criticized by our teachers or our parents,dont be sad, 当我们的老师或父母批评我们时,不要悲伤, because their purpose is to make us better.Besides,we should 因为他们的目的是为了我们更好.此外,我们应该微笑面 smile to the study pressure. 对我们的学习压力. So,lets learn to smile.Everyone needs others’ smile.When we give 因此,让我们学会微笑.每个人都需要别人的微笑.当我们给 others a smile,we will feel happy,too.And maybe next time,when you 别人一个微笑时,我们会感到很幸福.也许下一次,当您 need a smile,the person who received your smile will give it to you. 需要一个微笑时,收到您微笑的人会给你微笑的. Lets learn to smile; smile for life,every day will be sunshine. 让我们学会微笑;微笑着生活,每天都有阳光. Smile,how warm the word is!Please remember to smile,and happy life you ll get,I think! 微笑,多么温暖的词啊!请记住给别人微笑吧,我相信你一定会得到一个美好的人生! Thank you!learntosmile英语作文及翻译篇二Don t have to take a day, tu do not need to back knife, walk in the road in life, don t forget to bring your smile. Life picturesque, even brushwork himself again, also can t be perfect; Life is like a poem, even if writing again, also cannot conceal inner impatience; Life is like a song, even if the melody is exquisite, again there is no guarantee that each note is rounded. Life can t be perfect, the road of life is full of thorns, rough, but we can choose to smile to face. Smile not shallow ground smiled, but the difficulty comes, can in a crisis, calm smile, with the courage to face the upcoming difficulties, eventually with efforts to overcome all difficulties, under the opponent whom he smiled. A smile is a positive, optimistic attitude toward life. A smile is an attitude, is also a kind of outlook on life, it can benefit our body and mind, to send off the pain of torture us allows us to anywhere to head on both people threw smiling face, or something in both these things have Bai Yi of all, we what is there against it? Let s learn to smile, smile to face all kinds of setbacks in life journey, let all difficult bowed their heads in front of us, the boat. In the mirror, picked up his hands, holding the mouth, let it slightly upwards. Right! That s it! 不必带上倚天剑,无须背上屠龙刀,走在茫茫人生路上,别忘了带上你的微笑。 人生如画,即使笔法再纯熟,也不可能尽善尽美;人生如诗,即使文笔再华美,也掩饰不住内心的急躁;人生如歌,即使旋律再优美,也不能保证每个音符都圆润。人生不能够尽善尽美,人生之路充满荆棘,坎坷,但我们可以选择微笑面对。 微笑面对不是肤浅地微微一笑,而是在困难来临的时候,能够临危不惧,坦然一笑,用勇气去面对那即将来临的困难,最终用努力战胜一切困难,对手下败将微微一笑。微笑就是积极乐观的生活态度。 微笑是一种态度,也是一种人生观,它能使我们身心受益,排遣掉折磨我们的痛苦,让我们能够随时随地对迎面二来的人或事投以笑脸,这于人于己都事有白益而无一害的,我们又何乐而不为呢? 让我们一起学会微笑,以笑脸来面对人生之旅上的种种挫折,让一切困难在我们面前低下他们的头,知难而退。 对着镜子,拿起双手,捏着嘴角,让它微微往上翘。对!就是这样!learntosmile英语作文及翻译篇三A smile is the most beautiful in the world, each of us should learn to smile, smile in the face of others, face life with smile. In a warm room, children are bowed their heads and admit to his mother. Yes, he should not have made such a mistake, he now can only wait for the mother is really bent out of shape, and then sighed. Unexpectedly, mother smiled, and my mother is a comfortable smile. She gently stroked the baby s head, said with a smile: say it, or a good boy. Children cried, holding the mother moved to tears. A bright classroom, two boys chase running. Suddenly, the sound crash a female classmate s pencil case were knocked, pencils, erasers and all over the floor. I know, a JiFengZhouYu is coming. She picked up the stationery, said with a smile: that s ok, you continue to play, just don t play in the classroom. The two male students nodded, ashamed to run out of the classroom. On a crowded bus, people shoulder to shoulder, foot touched the feet, packed to breathe. Come up a white haired old man, he was on crutches, staggered over there. Grandpa, you sit down, please. A comb a YangJiaoBian little girl stood up with a smile. The whole car to cast a tribute to her eyes. She stood there with a smile, a station and a station. When I see her out of the car, unexpectedly found her feet a little lame, I feel her smile sweeter. A smile may be able to motivate others, may let others pick up confidence, so we all must learn to smile. 微笑是世界上最美的表情,我们每个人都应该学会微笑,微笑面对别人,微笑面对生活。 一间温暖的屋子里,孩子正低头向母亲认错。是的,他不应该犯下这样的错误,现在他只能等待着母亲大发雷霆,然后叹息而去。出乎意料地,母亲笑了,母亲露出了舒心的微笑。她轻轻地抚摸着孩子的头,微笑着说:“知错就改,还是好孩子。”孩子哭了,抱着母亲感动地哭了。 一个明亮的教室里,两个男孩追逐奔跑着。突然,“咣当”一声响 一位女同学的文具盒被他们碰倒了,铅笔、橡皮撒了一地。我知道,一场急风骤雨即将来临。可她捡起文具,微笑着说:“没事,你们继续玩,只是别在教室里玩了。”那两个男同学点点头,羞愧地跑出了教室。 一辆拥挤的公共汽车上,人们肩挨着肩,脚碰着脚,挤得透不过气来。又上来一位满头白发的老爷爷,他拄着拐杖,摇摇晃晃地站在那儿。“爷爷,您请坐。”一个梳着羊角辫的小女孩微笑着站了起来。全车人向她投去敬意的目光。她微笑着站在那儿,一站又一站。当我目送她下车时,竟发现她的脚有点跛,我感到她的微笑更甜美了。 一个微笑或许能够激励别人,或许可能让别人拾回自信,所以我们都要学会微笑。 [learntosmile英语作文及翻译]



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