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2020-07-30 09:24:01


At noon, it was extremely cold, and I was on my way to the choir. When I arrived near the school gym, I saw Shen chuckling playing, so I went over and put the water glass, pencil box and music score on the table tennis table to play with her. After playing for a while, I suddenly remembered that today is the chorus s score part test, so I took my things and hurried away. On the way to the school, I met Qian Siyi from the second part. We talked about the funny things in the class and laughed all the way. When I was about to step into the classroom, I suddenly reflected that my pencil bag was gone!

我转身就找了起来,我找遍了整个楼梯,但依然没有找到,钱思溢也十分着急,她跑去了刚才的健身园,在乒乓球桌附近上上下下也都找了个遍,但也终究一无所获,我开始浮燥起来。这时,一群住校生吃完午餐正从二楼下来,楼道顿时十分拥挤,我一下子脑洞大开,我丢失笔袋的时候,也有一群住校生吃完饭下楼,在这么拥挤的情况下,一定是被人捡去了。我正想去告诉钱思溢我的推测,突然有个住校生将我一挤,我手中的玻璃杯脱离了我的手,从二楼掉下去 碎了!我的心情更加不好了,可以说是雪上加霜。我有些绝望了。钱思溢回来后,知道发生的一切,她说,如果她的同学来就好了,可以帮我一起找。

I turned around and found it. I searched the whole staircase, but I still couldn t find it. Qian Siyi was also very worried. She ran to the fitness park just now, and looked up and down near the table tennis table. But she didn t get anything after all. I began to float. At this time, a group of living students are coming down from the second floor after lunch. The corridor is very crowded at once. My brain hole is opened suddenly. When I lose my pencil bag, there are also a group of living students coming down after eating. In such a crowded situation, they must have been picked up. I was just about to tell Qian Siyi my conjecture. Suddenly, a resident squeezed me. My glass broke out of my hand and fell down from the second floor! My mood is even worse. It can be said that it s worse. I m a little desperate. After Qian Siyi came back, she knew what happened. She said that if her classmates came, they could help me find it together.

找什么?怎么啦? 说曹操,曹操就到,钱思溢的两个同学尉漪和唐秀聚走了过来,听钱思溢说明情况后马上开始分头寻找,我顿时对找回笔袋充满了信心。唐秀聚和尉漪到文印室的失物招领处找,钱思溢则看来来往往的住校生手中是否有我的铅笔盒,而我就只是在刚才经过的路上反复找,可是结果还是一无所获。我们怀着沮丧的心情去排练合唱,进了教室,意外的发现金天钟手中举着我的铅笔袋在 失物招领 !心爱的东西终于失而复得了。我心中一阵狂喜。在这寒冷的冬天,我心中充满了温暖,特别是钱思溢和她的两个同学,天气这么冷,还愿意为一个只有几面之交的我,满校园跑地找笔袋,虽然找到笔袋的不是他们,但是我认为,如果没有他们诚恳的帮助,我也许只有呆呆地站在操场上傻等着铅笔袋自己长脚跑回我的手中了。谢谢你们,三个为我找笔袋,给我鼓励和信心的同学,我会永远记住冬日里你们给予我的温暖帮助!也会向你们学习,把这种温暖传递出去!

What are you looking for? What s the matter? Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is coming. Wei Yi and Tang Xiuju, two of Qian Siyi s classmates, come here. After listening to Qian Siyi s explanation, they immediately began to look for them separately. I was immediately full of confidence in finding the pen bag. Tang Xiuju and Wei Yi go to the lost and found office in the printing room. Qian Siyi looks for my pencil case in the hands of the students who come and go. I just look for it repeatedly on the way I just passed by, but I still find nothing. We went to rehearse the chorus with depression and entered the classroom. Unexpectedly, we found Golden Bell holding my pencil bag in the lost and found! What I love is finally lost and recovered. There was a wave of ecstasy in my heart. In this cold winter, my heart is full of warmth, especially Qian Siyi and her two classmates. The weather is so cold, they are willing to look for a pen bag for me who has only a few faces. Although it s not them who find the pen bag, I think, without their sincere help, I might just stand on the playground and wait for the pencil bag to run back It s in my hands. Thank you, three students who find pen bags for me and give me encouragement and confidence. I will always remember your warm help in winter! I will also learn from you and pass on the warmth!



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