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2020-08-04 10:18:01

初二关于家规英语作文60词 >>>> 初二关于家规英语作文60词

2018 02 04



Each house has its own family trait, house rules, family precepts of the home, want to talk about our family trait, house rules, family precepts, that can be associated with a few things when I was a kid.

Since I am sensible, mom told me to be the truth, the first thing to study, which means to studious, learn; Followed by progress, to the ground, with their own practical action to prove, I can do it; Then be honest and dishonest people, it will let other people trust you, rely on you. Finally is good, have no a kind heart, only a narrow heart, how to others? Why when others have difficulties to help him?

At the age of five, I can do anything I want to do. But is very picky about food, eating is not a choice of meat is food, but also often leftovers. Every time and I wash your hands, wash, waste half basin of water, the tap after washing is not, white

White waste a lot of water. Mother know me after these two bad habits, said to me: thrift is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, so later don t particular about your food, but also don t leftovers again, and to save water. From that moment on, I know the thrifty .

New Year s day, I went to the grandpa home New Year. Have the chance to say happy New Year to grandpa. Grandpa from his pocket a red envelopes, put in my hand, and to longly say to me: granddaughter! You re six years old, you re going to first grade. Next year I want to tell you three words, the first thing is to respect their elders, no matter where you come in the future, you can see elders should be polite, respect for elders; the second sentence is filial piety the parents, parents will take you to the world, and has brought up you. Growing up you must repay them, filial piety them; the third is a self reliant, what kind of work do you do in the future, don t rely on others, relying on their own strength to work, and the status quo, diligence and progress. This is what I expect of you, want you to remember all the time.

Yet another year, I have to take the elementary school. Let s sit down and plan to open a family meeting. Dad said: today is to discuss the content of the start up, house rules, family precepts. The purpose is to want you to go to school after constraint manage themselves. We had a long discussion, to decide.

Dan is diligent, motivated, honest, kind.

House rules are thrifty

Family precepts is to respect your elders, filial piety, and self reliant.

After school, I feel it is since the start up, house rules, family precepts, all remembered, to discipline yourself.




白浪费了很多水。妈妈知道了我这两个不好的习惯以后,对我说: 勤俭节约是中华民族的传统美德,所以以后就不要再挑食了,而且也不要再剩饭了,并且要节约水资源。 从那一刻起,我知道了要 勤俭节约 。

过年时,我到爷爷家去拜年。向爷爷说了声 新年快乐 。爷爷从口袋里掏出了一个红包,放在我手上,并语重心长地对我说: 孙女啊!你已经六岁了,明年你就要上一年级了。我要告诉你三句话,第一句话是尊敬长辈,无论你将来走到了哪儿,你看到长辈都要有礼貌,尊敬长辈;第二句话是孝顺父母,父母将你带到了世上,并养育了你。长大你一定要报答他们,孝顺他们;第三句话是自强自立,将来你无论做什么工作,都不要依赖别人,靠着自己的实力工作,还要安于现状,勤奋进取。这就是我对你的期望,希望你时时刻刻地记住。

又过了一年,我要上小学了。我们坐下来打算开个家庭会议。爸爸说: 今天的内容就是讨论家风、家规、家训。目的就是想让你上学后能约束自己管好自己。 我们讨论了很久,才确定下来。






The school has the school rules, the home tutor is often in a word, but others asked, what is Dan?

What do you have a family trait? These problems, a lot of people will be dumbfounded.

Every time I go out to play with your classmates, will forget everything, so this time let family very heart, because I always put all the mother explaination of the side, as if not the case. So, my mother gave me a set a rule, she will seriously say: play to play, but don t play too far . Every time I go out to play before, I will remember this sentence. So, neither let the family worry, and have a good attitude towards life.

Play every time I buy something, after checkout, all want to count the money right no, on one occasion, I help my father to buy a pack of cigarettes, I gave the boss 20 yuan, was supposed to find five yuan, but the boss but I found me fifteen yuan. At that time, I remembered the father said to me: don t greed, to be honest and trustworthy, said to have to do it, can t make petty gain to buy, because god is looking at . I ll return the spare money to the boss, such ability make me breath a sigh of relief.

I have a rule: don t quarrel for some trifle and friends . When I was a kid, I always quarrel with my cousin, is mother use this sentence to teach us, this sentence is deeply engraved on my mind, because it makes me, everybody to reduce an unnecessary trouble, increase a happy friendship. Some bad smell in society gradually out of the line of sight of people, if coupled with the excellent points, so let s social atmosphere will be more pure.

校有校规,家有家教 是人们常挂在嘴边的一句话,但别人一问到: 家风是什么?

你有什么家风? 这些问题,很多人就会傻眼。

我每次和同学出去玩的时候,都会忘记一切,所以这回让家人很挡心,因为我总是把妈妈交代的都放在一边,好像没有那回事的样子。所以,妈妈给我定了一个规矩,她会严肃地说: 玩归玩,但不要玩得太过火 。每次出去玩之前,我都会记住这句话。这样,既没有让家人担心,又有良好的态度对待生活。

我每次买玩东西,结账后,都要数数钱找对了没有,有一次,我帮爸爸去买一包烟,我给了老板二十元,本来应该找回五元,可老板却找了我十五元钱。这时候,我想起了爸爸对我说的一句话: 做人不能贪婪,要诚实守信,说到就得做到,不能赚小便宜买,因为上天都在看着 。我立刻把多余的钱还给老板,这样才使我松了一口气。

我还有一个家规: 不要为了一些鸡毛小事和朋友争吵 。小时候,我动不动就和表弟吵架,都是妈妈用这句话来教导我们,这句话深深刻在我的脑海里,因为这使我丶大家减少一份不必要的麻烦,增加一份欢乐的友谊。 社会上一些不良的气息逐渐退出人们的视线,如果再加上优良的家分,那么咱们社会的风气将会更加纯净。

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