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2020-08-07 14:57:01

GO hikingOn Sunday,I go hiking with my classmates.Our destination is Zhongshan Park.The weather is very good,our mood is good too.We take some food and some useful things,when we arrived at the park,we are very exciting,so we climb the hill.On the way to the peak,we feel very interesting,but after a period ,we feel a little tired,so we stop and have our lunch.What a delicious food!Cookies,apples,fruit,even sweets!After a good lunch ,we continue our trip,we arrived at the peak after a short time.The view is so beautiful!After we get to the foot of the hill,we play some interesting games in park.Like Crzay Mouse,Shooting Game.We are enjoying it very much.when sun set down ,we return,the hiking is so interesting that I never forget it for ever!



我读书我快乐作文400字 关于写事的作文600字 描写亲情的作文600字 关于保护动物的英语作文 今年河南高考语文作文 难忘的聚会英语作文 六年级上册寒假作文 克服困难的作文600字 写事作文的技巧和方法 难忘的小学同学作文 和蔼可亲的爸爸作文 我最喜欢的一天英语作文 我和书的故事作文400 中国文化遗产作文500字 写人的作文500字初一 国庆节所见所闻的作文 关于小动物的作文300字 走自己的路作文800字 快乐的节日作文300字 父母之爱作文300字 那一刻我激动不已作文 五年级下第一单元作文 与书为伴作文600字 父亲节祝福语作文 迎国庆贺中秋作文 五年级上册语文第四单元作文 渴望什么作文500字 我心中的一幅画作文 写一篇关于新年的作文 童年的回忆作文四百字