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2020-08-08 11:03:02

for example for example 需要认识、了解的词汇和短语 已经了解需记住的词汇和短语 标注解释 [ 冰糖葫芦 ] ] Tanghulu, sugar coated haws on a stick, is a traditional inter snack in Beijing. Every year, as the weather cools down, tanghulu sales start heating up on almost every street corner in Beijing. 糖葫芦Tanghulu 冰糖葫芦,用竹签串起来的山楂果上裹上层厚厚的糖衣,是北京传统的冬季零食。每当天气变得寒冷,卖冰糖葫芦的小贩就开始走街串巷地叫卖。 introduction It began to be produced during the song dynasty. According to legend, the emperors favorite concubine was sick and soon to die. The doctor asked her to eat a kind of boiled haw every day. Then she cured. Later on, people put the haws together to sell. That s Tanghulu. History Origins 冰糖葫芦在宋朝年间便开始制作。根据传说,一位皇帝最宠爱的贵妃生病了,怎么治也治不好。医生让她每天吃一种熬制的山楂,果然治好了她。做法传到民间,人们把它串起来卖,就是冰糖葫芦。 It also can cure diseases. Modern scientific research shows that Hawthorn helps digestion, and perfect skin, so more and more people love to eat it. 北京的冰糖葫芦最盛行于民国时期。 During the Republic of China, it became well known. History Prosperous History Now 冰糖葫芦还有治病的功效。现代科学研究证明:山楂有助消化、养颜等作用,所以喜欢吃冰糖葫芦的人越来越多。 [ 驴打滚 ] ] 驴打滚,用黄豆和江米粉做成的传统北京甜食,在冬天吃味道格外好,也是北京一年一度庙会时很受欢迎的一种小吃。 Lvdagun, a traditional Beijing sweet snack which is made from beans and rice flour,tastes especially good in winter and is a popular snack at Beijings annual temple fairs. 驴打滚 Lvdagun introduction Because when donkey is rolling in the yellow land, its body is covered with dust, as if the paste is wrapped in a yellow flour, it was named Lvdagun. About Name 因为驴在黄色的土地上打滚,驴的身上布满灰尘,就好像面团被黄豆面包裹住,所以取名驴打滚。 Ci Xi wanted to eat something new. New dishes were just ready to serve, but a eunuch named donkey came to the kitchen,. He put one of the new dishes into a bowl which was full of yellow flour accidentally. Ci Xi was very satisfied with the dish. So there was a famous dish named Lvdagun from then on. O r i g i n s 慈禧太后想尝点儿新鲜玩意儿。新菜刚一做好,便有一个叫 小驴儿的太监来到了御膳厨房,却不小心把刚刚做好的新菜 碰到了装着黄豆面的盆里。但慈禧对这道菜很满意。从此, 就有了 驴打滚 这道小吃。 [ 糖耳朵 ] ] Tangerduo literally means sugar ear. Its a fried sweet snack that gets its name from its shape. The popular winter snack in Beijing is served cold and are made of flour and sugar. 糖耳朵 Tangerduo 糖耳朵是一种油炸甜食,因为形似耳朵而得名。这个在冬天是很受欢迎的北京小吃。由面粉和糖做成,通常是凉着吃。 introduction



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