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英语作文请帮个忙英语作文我生命中最重要的一天许多年前 我和同学们在老师的带领下去

2020-08-16 14:00:01

That is my lifes most important day.Many years ago, thats an unforgettable day.My classmates on the teacher by the climb.After a long journey, in the way for the climb.At the foot, at the grand peak, we are full of active want to win the climb the hill.But reality is always different from the fantasy.Climb the more difficult than expected.In the process, we help each other.More let me feel the value of friendship.Trip is always dangerous and thrilling.In a dangerous the rocks, and i nearly fell down.When i thought i was going to leave this world, a warm hand tightly hold of my hand.Fortunately, i was to save.I was deeply moved.This is my lifes most important day, because it makes me see that friendship first.不知道字数够不够,能用的话就把分给我吧,*^ ^* 嘻嘻……

英语作文请帮个忙英语作文我生命中最重要的一天许多年前 我和同学们在老师的带领下去爬山.到了山脚下 我们开始爬山.但是很爬山很艰难 更让我体会到了友谊的可贵.记得在一险处我差



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