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2020-08-21 17:57:01


安全英语作文范文一 Recent years have witnessed a variety of accidents occurred in universities in China. This phenomenon has aroused public concerns. We have to give attention to campus security and build a harmonious campus.


When it comes to campus security, we recall the incidents on campus. It is reported that a college student killed his roommate just because they didn t get along with each other several days ago .It really scared students on campus. Some students even put a fish in the water they drink in case someone put something dangerous in it. The close relationship built for a long time becomes weak so easily. What a bad influence the accident has on students.


What we should do something to avoid this phenomenon and build a solid relationship between students? I think the most important thing is to enhance the communication among students and encourage them to participate in activities. Only in this way will students believe in and get along well with each other.


安全英语作文范文二 Security is often in a word, but it is not only simple in a word, it is the manipulation of life. If you accidentally touch on it, it will make you wandered the ShengSiGuan. So, we should beware of the unsafe hidden side, don t let it hurt you, let oneself forever and security company.

And in life always hidden some unsafe hidden side, such as drinking and driving, brewing, a car accident at the end of the elderly, without electricity, results to electrocution, drowning events... Startling examples abound, etc,. Just at the gate of our school, and again the two dangerous event. Is a school for the first time in front of the long road of unsafe example: a student of grade 4 and grade 5 through the grapevine, a white car was parked block line of sight, makes the student does not know the dangerous to be near him step by step, trail a van is coming. Primary school students in the case of unknown to the opposite, instant, car and primary school students to an intimate contact, the pupil knocked out more than a metre... Then report the situation to every school is that pupils are broken, there is no danger, all breathe a sigh of relief, the hanging heart also quietly spin down. This left a deep impression on us, and the next is a serious reminder wake up call for everyone. A the head of the second grade students are stuck in the hallway of the railings, finally rescued.

There are many sound scary stories, safety is very important, safety accident each day, little injuries, is death. Let s put an end to danger, with security!


而生活中总是藏着一些不安全的隐端,如:酒后驾车,酝酿车祸,到最后车毁人亡、擅自用电,结果触电身亡、溺水事件 等等的事例比比皆是,让人触目惊心。而就在我们学校门口,又再次上演了两次危险事件。第一次是校门口前面的长道上发生的不安全事例:一名四、五年级的学生穿过小道时,被停在路边的一辆白色小轿车挡住视线,使得那名学生并不知道危险向他一步步靠近,小道上有一辆面包车正缓缓驶来。小学生在不明情况下走向对面,一刹那,车子与小学生来了个亲密接触,那个小学生被撞出去了一米多 后来俱学校反映情况是那名小学生骨折了,目前没有生命危险,大家都呼出了一口气,那颗悬挂着的心也悄然旋落。这次给我们留下来了深刻的印象,而接下来的一次更是给大家敲响了严重提醒的警钟。一名二年级同学的头被卡在走廊的栏杆里,最后才获救。


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  1. 2021-03-18 13:35璃念酒[吉林省网友]IP:3690313621


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