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2020-08-22 08:39:01

关于保护环境的满分英语作文精选 >>>> 关于保护环境的满分英语作文精选

2017 10 17

Environmental protection is our era is full of controversy, but it is very important to protect the environment, how we can do environmental protection, how the most environmentally friendly, how to calculate the environmental protection, in the following, we will know.

Environmental protection refers to environmental protection. Environmental protection refers to the human beings to solve the real or potential problems, to coordinate the relationship between human and environment, to protect the sustainable development of economic society and take the action of the general term.

Now, in our life, the most serious environmental problems is the soil has been destroyed, climate change and energy waste. According to the reference news reported that the 110 countries can reduce the degree of arable land. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, the bare land has become vulnerable due to the disappearance of forest vegetation, the excessive exploitation of arable land and over grazing of pastures. The earth mother has become sallow and emaciated, please take good care of our mother earth. Some experts predicted that in the near future sea level will rise, many islands will be submerged.

How do we stop it? In fact, the protection of the environment is not as difficult as it is, as long as we start from the minor matter, will make the earth a new, for example: more use of environmental protection bags, as far as possible to avoid using plastic bags; as far as possible to take the bus, as much as possible to reduce vehicle emissions; usually more than walking, riding a bicycle, exercise and protect the environment...... In addition and many, many, as long as we start from the minor matter, every a little makes a mickle, will let the escheat of the earth before the appearance.

Let us fight for the future of the earth!







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