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介绍我们的学校 An Introduction to Our School

2020-08-22 10:33:01

Welcome to our school! Our school is the key middle school in this city. Now we are in the front gate. Entry in this school, you can see there is a big football playground on the left and a big resturant on the right. If you’re hungry, you can have something good in there. The grand teaching building is right behind the football playground. We spend most time in the classrooms. Behind the teaching building, there is a little lake with many fish in it. Oh, there is also a nice library next to the lake. After the class, we can entry the library freely to read the books we like. This is our school. Don’t you think it’s great?欢迎来到我们学校! 我们中学是这所城市的重点中学。现在我们来到了学校的正大门。进入到这所学校,你可以看到在校园的左边有个很大的足球场,右边有个很大的餐厅。如果你饿了,你可以去餐厅吃些好吃的东西。巨大的教学楼就在足球场后面。我们的大多数时间都待在教室里。在教学楼后面,有个小小的湖泊,很多鱼在水里游。噢,对了,小湖泊的旁边还有个图书馆。下课的时候,我们可以进去读自己喜欢的书籍。这就是我们的学校。你不认为这很棒吗? 查看全文



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