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2020-08-22 16:12:01



My future plan

I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision.

Firstly, when I was a little/boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true.

And, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence.

The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy? I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.


Dear Mum and Dad,

Time flies! I’ve been here for nearly a year. I’m very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school work hard at their lessons. They take an active part in activities that help to improve their qualities and health. They are friendly to each other and always ready to help each other.

The teachers here all enjoy their work and they love their students. They work hard and do what they can do to help their students. And the students respect their teachers. They get on well with each other. The students in our school try their best to kkp the school yard clean and tidy. They never throw waste about nor pick the flowers.

In a word, I am deeply impressed by the harmonious atmosphere in this school. I love my new school.







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