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求一篇关于介绍广东的英语作文 速度要快关于广东省介绍的英语作文 要包括以下内容:1

2020-08-23 08:15:02

Guangdong is a province on the southern coast of Peoples Republic of China. The province is also known by an alternative English name, the Canton Province. It overtook Henan and Sichuan to become the most populous province in China in January 2005, registering 79 million permanent residents and 31 million migrants who lived in the province for at least six months. The provincial capital of Guangzhou and economic hub Shenzhen are among the most populous and important cities in China.Guangdong faces the South China Sea to the south and has a total of 4,300 km of coastline. Leizhou Peninsula is on the southwestern end of the province. There are a few inactive volcanoes on Leizhou Peninsula. The Pearl River Delta is the convergent point of three upstream rivers: the East River, North River, and West River. The river delta is filled with hundreds of small islands. The province is geographically separated from the north by a few mountain ranges collectively called the Southern Mountain Range 南岭. The highest peak in the province is Shikengkong 1,902 meters above sea level.Notable attractions include Danxia Mountain, Yuexiu Hill in Guangzhou, Star Lake and the Seven Star Crags, Dinghu Mountain, and the Zhongshan Sun Wen Memorial Park for Sun Yat sen in Zhongshan.

求一篇关于介绍广东的英语作文 速度要快关于广东省介绍的英语作文 要包括以下内容:1 面积;2 人口;3 旅游~~~~作业帮



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