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2020-08-25 09:42:02

No.1 ; As we all know, a year consists of four seasons, each of which has its own feature. It’s really hard for me to tell which one I am into the best. Anyway, I’d like to give the following reasons to explain why I dig summer best. First of all, the summer is “hot”, which I mean is not just the temperature. People as well become enthusiastic. In summer, people will go skating, swimming,running,climbing and anything exciting. ; What’s more, chances are that scenery in summer is the most appealing which cause you to go out and feel the vivid lives surrounding you. From where I stand, four seasons make a complete circle of a year. There is at least one season is your cup of tea,just as the summer is mine.; No. 2; As the old saying tells us, spring is the very start of a whole harvest. During spring, if we go outside, we can see that there are all kinds of green plants and a variety of flowers around us. Besides, it’s not a quiet season, because the lively bees and beautiful butterflies , singing and dancing everywhere, make this season a fairy land. ; At the same time, the weather in spring is neither too hot nor too cold. Therefore, people are energetic and we devote ourselves to the work we enjoy. For example ,it’s more efficient for students to learn new knowledge and others can be more concentrated on the assignment. In a word, I like spring best, not only because its special scenery but also because its implication, which stands for the hope.



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