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英语作文范文你的英国朋友Chris打算在学校成立一个中国功夫kungfu俱乐部 来信向你咨

2020-09-03 10:12:02

你好:Dear Chris, I am very glad to hear from you .You said you want to form a Chinese kungfu club in your school .I have some advice for you . First of all , youd better put up some posters about the kungfu club . I think many students will get all the information on it .Second , there are many students spending their time on their computers ,so you can use the Internet to send some information . Third , it is useful for you to organize some kungfu performance to attract peoples attention . I hope you will succeed and I am looking forward to hear from you !Good luck! Yours 原创,满意请采纳!合作愉快!

英语作文范文你的英国朋友Chris打算在学校成立一个中国功夫kungfu俱乐部 来信向你咨询如何进行宣传 请你根据以下提示回信.1.在校园张贴海报2.在网络上发布信息3.组织功夫表作业帮



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