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2020-09-08 16:42:02

作文unit1 3b what s the matter with you ?i don t feel well .i got hit by a bike and fell down yesterday afternoon . I hurt my knee what should I do. ok you should put a bangage on it and rest for a few days .you shouldn t take exercise and walk too much . unit2 3b I m interested in this job .i m good at taking care of old people .in my free time ,I like looking after little cats and dogs and I often help my mom with housework at home,too.so I think I d be good at this job .i want to help out as a volunteer in your old people s home .i have time on weekends. unit3 3b it is true that students these days have enough stress from school,many students think that they shouldn t do chores at home .but I think that students should do housework at home. first,students help parents with housework.parents get more time to rest after work. it is fairfor students to share housework with parens. second,it is not a waste of time .it can help student learn to be independent and take care of themselves. all in all, the earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. unit4 3b I think students shouldn t take after school classes on weekends. first they all work hard at school on weekdays.they should relax and have a rest on the weekend.parents shouldn t push their child too hard. it can cause a lot of pressure.it is not good for a child s development. second,life shouldn t just be about grades.free time activities like sports and hanging out with friends are impritant,too.it can help child relax and be healthier. all in all,I disgree studens should take after school classes after school. unit5 3b an important event that I remember well was wenchuan earthquake .it happened in wenchuan ,sichuan .on may,12th.2008.when I heard the news of this event, I was playing basketball with my friends on the play ground .this event is very important to me because too many people died and a lot of houses fell down and many people were homeless. but with the help of country ,homeless people bui...

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  1. 2021-09-20 00:13我是你的坏男人[香港网友]IP:1742911052
  2. 2020-06-03 19:36等、一个人[台湾省网友]IP:737383297


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