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2020-09-08 17:18:02

本资料为WORD文档,请点击地址文 章来源天添 资源网 w ww.Ttzyw.COm15 通知写作模板Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.(称呼语及开场白) . (正文部分,说明具体通知事项) All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes./Please listen carefully and we ll have a discussion in groups. Make sure you ll come on time and don t be late.(说明通知对象和注意事项) Please come and join in it./ Everybody is welcome to attend it./I hope you ll have a nice time here.(重申希望大家参加之情) That s all. Thank you.(结束语)必备佳句口头通知套语1 在用口头下达通知时,发通知者通常要将听通知人的注意力吸引过来,这类表达常见的有:May I have your attention, please?Attention please, everyone. I have an announcement to make.Be quite. There is something important I have to tell you.I have something important to tell you.I m glad to tell you something important.典例剖析典例01设你是学生会主席李华,当地电视台将举办外国人参与的”汉字听写大赛”,委托你向学校国际部留学生通知相关事宜,请你写一则书面通知,要点包括:1.参赛日期:2019年3月15日;2.复习范围:中国四大名著中的词汇;3.奖品:中国四大名著套书;4.联系人及电话:李华12345678910。注意:词数100左右。必备范文Writting1假定你是某国际学校的学生李华。你校学生会准备举办一次”海报创新设计比赛”。请你根据下面的提示,用英语写一则书面通知,并号召大家积极参与。1.比赛目的:丰富校园生活,提高创新意识;2.参展地点:学生活动中心;3.展评时间:11月15日 18日。参考词汇:校园campus 海报创新设计creative design of posters注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。06感谢信模板①Dear 对象,I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for 感谢的原因. If it had not been for your assistance in 对方给你的具体帮助, I fear that I would have been 没有对方帮助会产生的后果.Everyone agrees that it was you who 给出细节. Again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you. Please accept my sincere thanks.Yours Sincerely,Li Hua模板②Dear ,How about your life/ study/ work? I m writing to express my thanks for your 感谢的原因. If it had not been your assistance in 对方给你的具体帮助, I fear that I would have been 没有对方帮助时的后果.During the , you gave me generous help and continuous guidance by . First, you .What s more, you . There is still one thing that I can t forget. That is . 原因Thanks a lot for your kindness again. 再次致谢Give my best regards to . 祝愿 Yours sincerely 感谢信是用于致谢他人的馈赠、款待、帮助、以及对慰问信和祝贺信的回复。信件不适宜过长,只需写明感谢他人的理由,信文要感情真挚,措辞得体。感谢信一般分为三个部分:第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因;第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助;第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。感谢信的写作指导1.有序组织要点首先,应当友善地对对方的生活表示关心;其次,应明确陈述写信的目的,即致谢;然后,应肯定对方的帮助恰当好处;最后,应对对方给予的帮助再次表示感谢并表示良好的祝愿。2.灵活把握时态感谢信的正文中的时态灵活多变。通常,在提到对方曾经所给予的帮助时,应用过去时态;在提到对方的帮助所产生的实际效果时,可以使用现在完成时态;在涉及到现状时,应用一般现在时;在表达祝愿或希望时,使用一般将来时态。3.运用规范的语言感谢信有其自身的特色语言,在行文的每一个环节也有一些常用句型。另外表示从对方的帮助中获益时,可以从多种句型表达,要让句式灵活多样,这样更能增强表达效果。4.表达感激之情感谢信的主要目的在于向对方致谢,因此语言要诚挚,友善;在信的开头和结尾部分一般会使用Thank you very much for your kindness and deep concern或 Thanks again and wish you all the best之类的语言表达感激之情。第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因:常用句式I am writing this letter to thank you for I am writing to express my sincere thanks for...I would like to convey in this letter my heartfeltadj. 衷心的 thanks to you for With deepest gratitude I write you this letter to express I am writing this letter because I am indebted to you for I am obligedadj.感激的 to you for/I owe you a great deal for ... I haven t seen you for a long time since we parted last time and I miss you very much. Thank you very much for...第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助:常用句式It was nice/kind/thoughtful adj. 考虑周到的 of you to..Thank you very much for your kind hospitality n. 好客, 热情招待 and the honor you showed me during my visit It was your kind help that 强调句型If it had not been for your help/guidance/ assistance, I wouldn t have won the prize虚拟语气=But for/Without your help, I wouldn t have done 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望:常用句式Thanks again for your generous help.I appreciate it more than I can say.My true gratitude is beyond the word s description.I feel deeply indebted to you and I really do not know how to thank you enough for your help.Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget.Nothing could ever return the favor you gave me.典例01假如你是李华,在过去一周你在英国参加中学生文化交流活动,其间,一直住在你的英国好友Peter家,现在已经回国,请你根据以下要点给他写一封感谢信。要点包括:1.表达感激之情;2.回忆各种收获;3.发出邀请。注意:词数100左右。 范文赏析Dear Peter,I am writing to convey my gratitude for your kind help and care during my stay in your country, without which I wouldn t have enjoyed it so much.Guided by you, I had a chance to visit some places of interest in England and experience such unique culture as well as beautiful scenery. Thanks to your generous help, I do believe that I have a better understanding of your country and culture. What s more, during the week, the comfortable room, delicious meals and especially your friendly family made me feel at home.I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness. I will show you around in China. I am looking forward to your coming.Yours,Li Hua写作素材1.我写这封信是为了表达我对 的谢意/因 表达我对你的感激。I m writing to express my thanks for.../convey my gratitude to you for...2.在信中我要为 向你表达我诚挚的谢意。I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for...3.如果我有机会通过 报答你的好意,我会非常高兴。I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness by...亮点点击?正文分三段来写,首段点明写作目的,此处用了感谢信的常用句式 I am writing to convey my gratitude for... 来开头, without which... 这一非限制性定语从句的使用提升了文章的档次,彰显了作者深厚的写作功底。?第二段简述Peter对自己的帮助,其中高级短语文中加粗部分以及非谓语动词Guided by you作状语的运用,增强了表达效果。?正文尾段使用了感谢信的常用高级表达,其中动词repay的运用起到了画龙点睛的作用。典例02假定你是李华,在感恩节来临之际,请你给任教期满已回国的外教Peter写一封感谢信。要点如下:1.老师在学习和生活上对你的帮助;2.表达感激之情及祝愿。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 写作指导本题要求写一封感谢信,回忆过去外教Peter对自己的帮助时,可用一般过去时,表达感激之情及祝愿时应用一般现在时。这个命题涉及中华传统文化所推崇的感恩这一优秀品质,又涉及西方文化中的感恩节,内容贴近考生日常生活,易于考生动笔。范文赏析Dear Peter,Thanksgiving is drawing near! I am writing to express my thanks to you.Without your help, I would not have achieved much in learning English last year. Moreover, you offered so much encouragement while I was in low spirits. Thanks to your help, I became more confident and spent more time reading English books. The efforts have paid off and now English is my favorite subject. Thank you for entering my world and I will always remember what you have done for me.Wish you all the best.Yours sincerely,Li Hua亮点点击短文主题明确,重点突出,关联词语运用得恰到好处。难能可贵的是,短文使用了较多的复杂结构和高级表达方式,使短文增彩不少。亮点词汇:express one s thanks to sb., achieve, in low spirits, spend time doing sth., pay off等;高级句式:时间状语从句while I was in low spirits;宾语从句what you have done for me等。Writting1假如你是李华, 上周在英国参加了 中国学生文化交流周 活动,并住在 Kelly 家里。请你给在英国期间认识的新朋友 Kelly 写封感谢信,内容包括:1.交流活动中的收获;2.难忘在 Kelly 家的美好日子;3.感谢她送你的英文词典。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:文化交流周:Cultural Exchange WeekDear Kelly,I ve been back home safely from England. Yours sincerely,Li Hua范文Dear Kelly,I ve been back home safely from England. Thank you for the warm help during my stay in England.Last week, I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week for Chinese students. I enjoyed myself in your country. We visited the city museum and some places of interest, which made me have a better understanding of the English society, culture and history. Of course, I also made many new friends.What s more, I was lucky enough to stay at your home. And I ll never forget the days we spent together. Here I especially thank you for the dictionary you offered me as a gift. It s a great help for me to learn English well. I will treasure and make full use of it.Welcome to China when it s convenient for you!Yours sincerelyLi HuaWriting 2假如你叫李津,在英国学习期间,住在一户英国人家里,现在马上就要学成回国,临走前你给你的房东Mrs. Jones写封感谢信,感谢她三个月来的悉心照顾。内容包括:1.房东一家和蔼可亲,总是想办法让你快乐;2.饭菜很合口;3.利用周末带你聚会、野餐,玩得很开心;4.经常与你交流,让你的口语表达取得很大进步。注意:1.词数100左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mrs. Jones,I am writing to express my thanks for the three happy months of my life I spent with you and your family. Gratefully yours,Li Jin范文Dear Mrs. Jones,I am writing to express my thanks for the three happy months of my life I spent with you and your family.During the past time, you were so kind to me and you did everything possible to make me happy. You re such an excellent cook that I could enjoy different meals every day. I really appreciate your taking your weekends off to take me around and show me so many places. The parties, the picnics were so delightful that I can never thank you enough. You are so helpful as to spare your time to communicate with me. I have made rapid progress in spoken English with your help.You may be sure that I will always continue to enjoy the days which I have just spent in your home.Best wishesGratefully yours,Li JinWriting 3假定你是李华,现在是华南师范大学South China Normal University大一新生,你高三时在王老师的帮助下,英语进步很大,为表示感谢,给王老师写一封感谢信。要点如下:1.梦想成真,考上理想大学;2.因为王老师的辅导和鼓励,英语由差变好;3.对老师表示祝福。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Mr. Wang,I m writing to tell you a piece of good news and express my thanks for helping me improve my English. Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!Yours,Li Hua范文Dear Mr. Wang,I m writing to tell you a piece of good news and express my thanks for helping me improve my English.Now, I m a freshman in South China Normal University. That s all because of our careful guidance. Without your help, I wouldn t have made such great progress in English, let alone been admitted to a good university. So I m very grateful to you for that. I still remember the days when you taught me English in Grade 3 of senior school. My English was once poor, but you were very patient with me and tried to tutor me after class. It was your help and encouragement that made my dream come true.From the bottom of my heart. I hope more and more of your students can go to their ideal colleges. Wish you a healthy body and a happy life!Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!Yours,Li HuaWriting 4假如你是李华,最近在新加坡参加了一个国际交流活动。回国后,你决定给新结交的朋友John写一封感谢信。内容包括:1.表示感谢;2.参加这个活动的收获;3.邀请他方便时来中国。注意:1.词数100左右;2.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear John,I am writing to express my gratitude to you I m looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua范文Dear John,I am writing to express my gratitude to you while I was in Singapore. It was an unforgettable experience for me and I have also benefited a lot from it.While participating in the exchange program, I visited some high schools and famous tourist attractions in Singapore, which broadened my horizons and enriched my knowledge. Besides, I made some new friends just like you, who gave me lots of assistance. During my visit, I improved my English communication skills greatly because I was totally exposed to an English speaking environment.Are you interested in Chinese culture? If you can come to China one day, I ll be your tour guide and show you around my city.I m looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li HuaWriting 5假如你是李明,在过去一周你在英国参加中学生文化交流活动,期间一直住在你的英国好友Peter家,现在已经回国。请你根据以下要点给他写一封感谢信。要点包括:1. 表达感激之情;2. 回忆各种收获;3. 发出邀请。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Peter, Yours,Li Ming范文Dear Peter,I am writing to convey my gratitude for your kind help and care during my stay in your country, without which I wouldn t have enjoyed it so much.Guided by you, I had a chance to visit some places of interest in England and experience such unique culture as well as beautiful scenery. Thanks to your generous help, I do believe that I have a better understanding of your country and culture. What s more, during the week, the comfortable room, delicious meals and especially your friendly family made me feel at home.I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness. I will show you around in China. I am looking forward to your coming.Yours,Li Ming文 章来源天添 资源网 w ww.Ttzyw.COm



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