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教师的评语 Teachers’ Remarks

2020-09-09 08:57:01

In my school, our head teacher will give his remakes for every student on a note book after final exam. And then I have to bring it to my parents. Our head teacher will put our scores of mid term exam and final exam on it. And then he will write some remarks on us performance in the school and the thing he thinks highly of and the thing I need to correct. In order to have a good winter holiday, I have to make my parents happy. So I always try my best to earn a good evaluation from my head teacher. In front of him, I am always a good boy. So, I always have a nice remark.在我学校,我们班主任会在一个本本上给每个学生一些评语每次期末后。然后我要把它给我父母看。我们班主任会把我们期中考试和期末考试的成绩写在上面。然后他会写一些关于我们在学校的表现,以及他觉得我值得表扬的事情以及我需要改正的地方。为了过一个愉快的寒假,我得让我的父母开心。所以我总是努力尽量从班主任那里获得好的评价。在他面前,我一直都是个好男孩。所以,我总是可以得到优秀的评语。 查看全文



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