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英语作文:你班将举行关于英语学习的主题班会 班会上你要发言你的发言需要包括以下内

2020-09-09 09:33:01

To celebrate the opening of 16th National Congress of CPC, we held a class meeting last Saturday, the main topic of which was “Motherland in My Heart. ”It lasted two hours. Eight students spoke at the meeting. They sang high praise for our motherland. They spoke of the bright future of our country and expressed their determination of studying hard so as to make our country more beautiful. Our class meeting was a great success, from which we know more and more about our country. We have deepened our love for our motherland. We have made up our minds to work hard and win honour for our motherland

英语作文:你班将举行关于英语学习的主题班会 班会上你要发言你的发言需要包括以下内容:1.你为什么学英语?2.你怎样学英语?3.你学英语中遇到的困难?4.你将如何改进英语学习?用5个句子



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