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2020-09-09 09:48:01

小学英语作文指导 一、作文类型: 1、看图作文 2、图表作文 3、书信或电子邮件 4、命题作文 不管是什么类型的作文都会提供一定的信息。如:文字说明、图画、图表、单词及短语等。我们都要正确处理好给出这些信息。同时还要理清用第几人称来写,按什么顺序来写,用什么时态来表达等。 二、开头句 1、Look at the picture/photo. 2、天气句 主语要学会用it 来表达 (1)It’s sunny today. The sun is shining. It’s very hot. It will be sunny this weekend / tomorrow. (2)It’s rainy today. It’s raining now. (3)It’s snowy today. It’s snowing now. It’s very cold. (4)It was sunny yesterday / last weekend. (5)It will be sunny tomorrow. (6) It will rain/snow tomorrow. 3. I had a good time last weekend / yesterday. 三、结尾句: 升华主题 (表达的内容:感情句、感叹句、邀请句、看法句、问句等) 1. I like/love my father and mother very much. 2. What a beautiful picture ! I like it very much. 3. How nice she is ! I like her very much. 4. Do you want to go to Hainan with me ? 5. Let’s go to Hainan together. 6. I think we will have a great/good time. 7. I think I will have a good time this weekend. 8. I think I will be very happy this summer holiday. 7、We are having a great/good time. 8、Do you like me ? 9. What do you want to do this weekend ? 9. What will you do this weekend ? 10. What did you do last weekend ? 四、正文句 1.能用简单句表达,也能用丰富句表达。 2.能正确表达时态。(四种时态) 3.能正确安排词序,时间放句末,地点又放时间的前面。 4. 能用一些句型正确表达句子。 如:There be 句型介绍 This is句型介绍 I want to +动词原形句型 I like +ing 动词句型等 简单句→丰富句(加时间,加地点) 1、He played football. He played football yesterday. He played football on the playground yesterday. 2、She flew a kite. She flew a kite yesterday. She flew a kite in the park yesterday. 3、Lingling is flying a kite. Lingling is flying a kite now . Lingling is flying a kite in the park now . 4、Tom is reading a book. Tom is reading a book now. Tom is reading a book in the classroom now. 5、Lingling is going to fly a kite. Lingling is going to fly a kite tomorrow. Lingling is going to fly a kite in the park tomorrow. Lingling will fly a kite. Lingling will fly a kite tomorrow. Lingling will fly a kite in the park tomorrow. 6、We are going to have a picnic. We are going to have a picnic next Sunday. We are going to have a picnic in the park next Sunday. We will have a picnic. We will have a picnic next Sunday. We will have a picnic in the park next Sunday. 7. I want to go to Hainan this Summer holiday. Daming wants to go to Hainan this Summer holiday. 8. I ride my bike every day. Tom rides his bike every day. 9. I read a book every morning. She reads a book every morning. We read books every morning. 8、There be 结构表达(它有There is 和There are ) There is + 单数名词或不可数名词+in/on /under/behind的地点短语 There are+ 复数名词+in/on /under/behind的地点短语 There is a book on the desk. There is some water in the bottle. There are some books on the desk. There is a pen, two pencil and some books on the desk. 五、内容安排(内容顺序) 遵循几个原则: 看图作文(从上到下,从左到右) 再就是按照时间的先后顺序和动作的先后来写。 一天安排 一周安排 暑假安排 野餐活动安排,参加生日聚会,人物介绍等 六、人称确定与时态的表达 1、每写一篇作文,首先你要根据信息确定好用第一人称来写,还是用第三人称来写。 2、根据信息确定好用什么时态来表达。一般介绍性作文用一般现在时,谈论过去发生的事要用一般过去时,表达正在发生的事要用现在进行时,表达计划或打算要去做的事要用一般将来时。并且你所用的时态一定要正确体现出来。 七、信息处理 1、 要正确分析所给出的信息。 2、 给出的信息一般有文字信息,图画信息,单词和短语信息和表格中的单词和短语信息等,对于给出的单词,要灵活处理,学会变通使用。 3、 根据这些信息确定好用第几人称来写,按什么顺序来写,同时确定好用什么时态来表达,并能正确写出所表达的时态结构,再就是要能用英语的表达习惯来写。如:时间、地点在句中的位置,at in on的区别及它们所组成的一系列短语等,要能正确地表达出来。 八、关于时间的表达 要掌握好一些常见的时间短语。(时间可放句首或句末) 1、at时间短语: at eight o’clock, at half pat eight, at 8:30, at the weekend 2、in时间短语:in 2017, in spring, in May, in the morning afternoon/evening 3、on时间短语:on Sunday, on Saturday morning, on May 1st, on Children’s Day 4、yesterday时间短语: yesterday morning afternoon/evening 5、last时间短语:last night, last month, last year, last week, last weekend 6、this时间短语:this morning afternoon/evening, this weekend, this week, this month, this year, this summer holiday, this winter holiday 7、next时间短语: next week, next month, next year 8、tomorrow时间短语: tomorrow morning afternoon/evening 九、关于地点的表达 要掌握好一些常见的地点短语。地点一般放句尾,但有时间时,则放于时间之前。 1. in地点短语:in the classroom, in the park, in the river, in the sea, in the desk, in the library 2. on地点短语:on the desk ,on the wall, on the floor, on the blackboard, on the lake, on the playground, 3. at地点短语:at home, at school, at the zoo, at the supermarket , at the station 4. under地点短语:under the tree 5. behind地点短语:behind the door 本次英语作文信息分析: 1、首先弄清你以第几人称来写,是第一人称,还是第三人称。大明就是我,还是 大明是你的朋友或同学。根据给出的标题My weekend,应该用第一人称来写。 2、时间定位:是上周末,还是这个周末,这决定表达的时态。 last weekend 就用一般过去时来表达, this weekend就用一般将来时来表达。 3、表中信息需要仔细分析,我们应该怎样用这些信息,有些需要变通来用。 如: reading books ,它的原形是read books ;do homework 可为do my homework ; visit his grandparents可为visit my grandparents. My weekend 一 选择用一般将来时来表达作文: Hello, My name is Daming. This weekend is coming. It will be sunny at the weekend. On Saturday morning I will read books in the library. In the afternoon I will buy food , then I will go to the zoo with my parents. On Sunday morning I will do my homework . In the afternoon I will visit my grandparents .I think I will have a good time at the weekend. My weekend 二 选择用一般过去时来表达作文: Hello, My name is Daming. Last weekend I had a good time. It was sunny last weekend. On Saturday morning I read books in the library. In the afternoon I bought food , then I went to the zoo with my parents. On Sunday morning I did my homework . In the afternoon I visited my grandparents .What did you do last weekend ? * 陈述句:主语+动词(时态体现) +(宾语) +地点+时间 *



关于成长的初中作文 我的上海之旅作文 作文秋天的雨300字 童年生活作文200字 自缚作文 期中考试后的感想作文 仿写鸟的天堂作文 关于伞的作文 小猴上学作文 关于勇敢的作文300字 真实的自己作文800字 关于环境的英文作文 周六的一天作文 2012年英语一作文 写郴州的作文 那个夏天作文 你真棒作文800字 运动会跳远作文 怀念家乡的作文 的英语作文 关于火锅的英语作文 二年级作文魔方 渺小而伟大作文 不同的角度作文 老师我想你了作文 小学生想象作文评语 关于新的作文600字 中秋作文初三 我的家族史作文800字 三年级语文上册第二单元作文