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你班计划举行一次以“My dream job 为话题的英文主题班会课.老师要求每位同学写一

2020-09-09 09:51:01

Have you heard that six people killed a young woman in McDonalds in Shangdong?

bad the news is.

A. What a B. How

C. How a D. What


Wow, you look so great in your new dress.

Thanks! I it when I went shopping with mom last week.

A. buy B. will buy

C. am buying D. bought


Game: Describe and guess

In Describe and guess, players take turns choosing选 a Word Brick and then describing(描述)one of the words on the brick without saying the actual word. The goal is to get the other players to guess the word.

1. Which is NOT true about how to play the game?

A. You can play the game in groups of 4.

B. You cant let others see your word brick.

C. The describer cant say the word.

D. Theres only one word on each word brick.

2. The second part is to .

A. tell you about another game

B. teach some word stories

C. show how to play the game

D. teach some small words

3. Which might be the right word brick according to the second part?


Why doesnt she like that photo?

It makes her much older than she really is.

A. to look B. looked

C. look D. looking



1. 叶子 will turn green when spring comes.

2.I 想知道 why he is late for school again.

3. I wrote a letter to him two days ago, but he didn’t 回复 to me.

4. He often 跟随 me up the hill.

5.—Do they like eating 三明治?

—No, they don’t.


Would you like to go for a walk with us?

, but I’m too busy.

A. No, I can’t B. Yes, I’m glad. C. Yes, I’d like. D. Yes, I’d like to.


Look! There is Mp5 on the floor. Is it ?

A. an; your B. a; hers

C. an; yours D. an; her


Dad. there is something wrong with my notebook computer.

OK, I an engineer to check it for you.

A. ask B. is asking

C. going to ask D. shall ask

你班计划举行一次以“My dream job 为话题的英文主题班会课.老师要求每位同学写一篇短文.分享各自的“梦想 .内容包括以下几个方面:1.你梦想做什么工作 2.你选择这个工作的理由 3.你为实现这个梦想要做的准备.注意:1.内容可适当发挥.使短文连贯.通顺 词数70.开头已为你写好.不计入总词数 2.短文中不要出现具体的学校姓名 题目和参考答案——青夏教育精英家教网——



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