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2020-09-09 10:24:01

天空中繁星点点 . In the sky hang little stars. 河岸上有很多花 . On the bank grow lots of flowers. * Group 3 A. We can borrow five books at most, and we can keep them for ten days. B. At most five books can be borrowed at a time and they can be kept for ten days. Tip 3 主动不如被动巧 Eg.最近学校就“谁是你的偶像”进行了一次调查。(07广东) Recently a survey has been done on “ Who is you idol?” in our school . * Group 4 A. If I am given the chance , I will try my best . B. Given the chance, I will try my best . Tip 4分词结构不能少 口诀:一去,二看,三改。 一去:去连词; 二看:看主语; 三改:改分词。 1.童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里,带来甜蜜的回忆 Back flies the paper airplane and it brings me the fragrant memory of my childhood. bringing * Tips to beautify your sentence 1.高分词汇是首要 2. 陈述不如倒装妙 3. 主动不如被动巧 4.分词结构不能少 * 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 Beautify your sentences 闪亮你的句子) * 步骤 1.好句赏析 2.技巧指导 3.巩固提高 * Enjoy a song When I was young I to the radio waiting for my favorite songs. When they Id sing along. It me smile. Those such happy times and not so long ago. How I wondered where they . But theyre back again just like a long lost friend. * When I was young I listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs. When they play Id sing along. It make me smile. Those be such happy times and not so long ago. How I wondered where they go. But theyre back again just like a long lost friend. listened played were had gone made * 思考: What is a beautiful sentence? * Translation 郭靖是个爷们。他智商不太高。他娶了IQ很高的黄蓉做媳妇。黄是桃花岛集团(THD Group)总裁黄药师的女儿。 Guo Jing is a man. He is not very clever. He married Huan Rong with a very high IQ. Huang is the daughter of Huangyaoshi,the president of TaoHuaDao Group . Guo Jing, a not very intelligent man, married a girl named Huang Rong with an extremely high IQ, who is the daughter of Huangyaoshi,the president of THD Group. * Read the followings and make your wise choice! * Group 1 A. We have much homework to do . B. We have endless homework to do . C We are burdened with endless homework. Tip 1 高分词汇是首要 高分词汇原则 1.后、高、长(后学的、较高级、较长词汇) good very 2.词组优先 try to do * 3.避免重复 A. I like reading while my brother likes watching television. B. I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television. * Group 2 A. This village built a school in 2008. B. Not until 2008 did this village begin to have its own school. Tip 2 陈述不如倒装妙 Eg. 我从来不买日货 A.I will never buy any products made in Japan. B. Never will I buy any products made in Japan. * 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选 高中教育精选 高考精选

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  1. 2021-10-07 06:43溜子[广东省网友]IP:3400264539
  2. 2020-07-01 13:08冰凝云梦[河南省网友]IP:1038635708


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