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2020-09-09 10:39:01


学习啦玉莲 2017 03 29 18:24:06



It has been a hot topic in recent years.E book is becoming more and more popular.Some people even think that traditional book will replaced by E book.

E book is useful and has almost changed our way of living.There are some adventage of E book.E books are much cheaper and more convenient.As we know,they are much easier to take.

Everything has two sides and E book is not an exception.E book has bad effect on people s eyes.And there are more radiation which is harmful to people s body.

In my opinion,E book cannot take the place of traditional book,but it s an useful product.


Flu always happens between changes of seasons.Now as winter is coming soon,it is necessary to find some ways to prevnt influenza.

First,flu transmits mostly by air and body liquid,so indoors ventilation circulation of air must be maintained and people should form the good habit that clean the used tissue after wiping the running nose and coughing.Healthy people need to keep a safe disdance to people who got flu.

Second,a good lifestyle will help a lot in preventing flu.For instance,keeping a balanced eating habbit,which means ensure variety of nutrients are required in daily meals,and doing exercise at least three times a week to improve the immunity.

Last but not least,drinking enough water and keeping warm is easy to regulate the body temprature so that people can stay out of flu.


Dear friends:

Many people have got a headache, cold, or felt tired. In order to help students to prevent colds I provide the following tips for their guide:

1 Wash face by cold water, immerse feet in warm water and gargle with diluted salt water.

2 Open windows to get fresh air.

3 Dry bedding in the sun.

4 Do exercises everyday.

5 Go to public activities as few as possible when influenza is rampant.

Prevention is better than cure!


Speaking of a coldfor us is not strange.We always think having a cold is not a great thing.But there are many chronic diseases are caused by a cold.And when we catching a cold we work efficency will sell at a discount grearly.So how do we go to prevent a cold?Here I will tell you some advice to prevent a cold.

The first one is that you should often drink water.The hot water is often good for us.And when change garments according to the season you must to keep warm.For exemplewhen winter comesthe weather is becoming colder and colderwe should pay attention to add clothing.The next often open a window ventiated is also a good way to prevent a cold.Ventilation can help air circulation.Fanillyoften exercise can help us to have a healthy body.Insist on taking exercise every day is so good.

Listen to these suggestionsyou will not have a cold.To prevent a coldto make our life more beautiful and more healthy.










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