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2020-09-09 10:48:01

Flu is quite common, especially when there is radical changes of climate between seasons. Modern medicine finds there are two kinds of flu: that caused by bacteria or that caused by virus. For the former one, it is important to kill the bacteria. For the kids and old men, whose body is not strong enough, it is recommended to take anti biotic with doctors prescription. For the latter one, there is actually not much necessary we can do usually it takes 1 week and the body can solve it by itself.Sometimes people are too worrisome and try to solve the symptom fast. It is a bad development today, especially in China, where many people take over dose on small issues. As a consequence, the evolution of bacteria and virus are turning faster. A big worry is some stubborn bacteria or virus which is resistent to modern medicines, if spreading in larger population, may become very difficult to kill which will cost much more money and lives.A much cheaper and good way to prevent flu is: keep clean of your hands by washing frequently, keep your nose clean and humid for example, you can wash them regularly during the day. When you feel not good, take enough water and some good rest. Wish you healthy in the new year of 2012!



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