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2020-09-09 11:48:01


1.How often do you exercise I exercise twice a week.

2.How often does he go shopping He goes shopping once a month.

3.What do you usually do on weekends I often go to the movies.

4.What does she usually do on weekends She sometimes go hiking.

5.I try to eat a lot of vegetables; I think its good for my health.

6.Whats the matter I have a cold.I sorry to hear that.

7.Im not feeling well; I hope you feel better soon.

8.She has a toothache,she should see a dentist.

9.Its important to eat a balanced diet.

10.Everyone gets tired sometimes.

11.What are you doing for vacation Im babysitting my sister.

12.When are you going Im going on the 12th.

13.Im going to Tibet for a week. Have a good time.

14.How long are you staying For about three weeks.

15.Who are you going with Im going with my friends.

16.Hows the weather = whats the weather like Its sunny today.

17.This time I want to do something different.

18.He thought about going to Greens or Spain.But decide on Canada

以上就是小编为大家整理的2019年上学期期末复习八年级英语作文万能句型知识点,同学们还有其他学习上的问题,可拨打免费课程咨询热线电话:4000 121 121.那里有专业的老师为大家解答。



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