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英语作文——120字原因类说明文有没有大神替我解答什么叫原因类说明文 并提供120字例

2020-09-09 12:39:01

保护野生动物With the development of society,there are more and more problems brought to our attention,one of which is that wild animals have no place to survive in the 21st century.Some people think that the protection is a waste of resource.From my point of view,I disagree with this statement for some reasons below.Firstly,the animals and human beings are creatures created by God.We can’t behave like barbarians and destroy the environment.We need places to survive and so do animals.Secondly,there are a lot of species of animals on the earth.They are just like our neighbor.For example,in my childhood,I went to my grandparent s’ home in the countryside .There is a forest near the house.We met a lot of little wild animals there ,such as,monkeys,snakes,rabbits and so on.However,there are a lot of people who may agree cut down the forest.From my angle,we,human beings,can’t deprive the survival rights of animals.On the contrary,we have to protect them from extinction.Just imagine how horrible the world would be if human is the only creature in the world.Hence,the government should educate people to preserve and protect our neighbor,natural wild animals

英语作文——120字原因类说明文有没有大神替我解答什么叫原因类说明文 并提供120字例文一篇 谢谢



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