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大学第一学期的感受 收获多方面谈 英语作文200词3分钟以内 安徽大学的

2020-09-09 14:42:02

It is about 4 months since I have arrived at Anhui University.It is so fast that my first term in the university is to be over.I have experienced a lot and thought a lot in this semester.Above all,I have a good time this year.I met a lot of new friends who are all very nice to others.I enjoy having class with them and playing with them when we are free.They are all my good friends and I will treasure our friendship forever.Next,I have more spare time than before.Sometimes I even don’t know what I can do apart from sleeping ,for which I feel guilty.I even never go to the library to get useful knowledge.So most time is wasted.Additionally,I have discovered that students can show their own ideas that can be different from the textbooks or teachers’,which I have never seen in my life.Besides,the forms of class are various ,which students get interested of.During this time,I also met some problems ,especially in grade.Without the teachers always pushed ,my learning becomes worse and worse.I am very disappointed in myself.As far as I am concerned,this term is over.There is no point in regretting.I should make a great change that makes my life more meaningful in next term.And I will treasure the happy experience forever.That is all.

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  1. 2022-03-26 05:33邋遢[湖南省网友]IP:3406146608
  2. 2021-03-11 11:13姐姐姐姐好姐姐[宁夏网友]IP:3395223792
  3. 2020-02-25 16:53guowangyanyun[浙江省网友]IP:1743958667


蚂蚁怎么写作文 这个星期发生的事作文 小学生怎么样才能写好作文 一种花作文 美丽的紫荆花作文 写平凡的作文 自己的梦想作文500字 面对挑战英语作文 运动会开幕式作文400字 关于无私的作文 六年级上册作文全部 豆腐脑作文 难忘的旅行作文400字 澳门作文400字 四年级语文五单元作文 身边的风景也美丽作文 什么给我勇气作文 运动会作文拔河 所见作文400字 触动心灵的声音 作文 湖南高考作文题 中考优秀满分作文600字 笔神作文 抓螃蟹的作文 最后一次六一作文500字 20年后家乡作文 难忘的一件事五年级作文 关于写人的作文600 去朋友家玩的作文 英语作文常用句式