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2020-09-09 17:24:01

考研英语二作文: 大作文题目:线性图,2013 2015年博物馆的数量和访问客人逐年增多。 英语二小作文:教授邀请你做presentation,给留学生将中国文化,接受邀请并回复他,需要列出presentation的要点。 考研英语二大作文范文 This line chart presents the trend of number of museums and number of people visiting museums from 2013 to 2015. From the chart, it is obvious to find out that the number of museums from 2013 to 2015 presents a trend of decrease and the number of people visiting museums from 2013 to 2015 also presents a trend of increase. It is quite clear for us to the conclusion that the reason for this phenomenon can be attributed to the development of economy. As far as I am concerned, influences on the number of museums and number of people visiting museums by economic development mainly display in the following aspects. First and foremost, economic development results in more income for people, which in turn allows people afford the payment to visit museums. Moreover, Economic development makes museums more diversified and more abundant in quantity, which can satisfy diversified preference of people. Finally, Economic development makes government invest more on public museums, and thus make us have more chances to visit museums. From my perspective, we should maintain the positive side of museums, and try to eliminate its negative side. Therefore, it can provide more positive influence on our daily lives. 考研英语二作文范文 Dear Professor, It is my great honor to be invited to give a presentation on Chinese culture to the foreign students. I am writing to inform you of the main contents of my presentation. Generally, my presentation consists of three parts. To begin with, I would like to brief the students on the origin and history of the Chinese culture to facilitate their understanding. Furthermore, further analysis of the features of Chinese civilization will be the focus of my presentation. Last but not least, there will be a session for students to raise questions after the presentation. It was deeply appreciated that you gave me this opportunity. I sincerely hope that my presentation would help the foreign students have a deeper understanding of the Chinese culture. Yours sincerely, Li Ming





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