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2020-09-10 10:48:01



There are 3 people in my family my father, my mother and me. My father is a diver. He has big eyes, a big nose and a big mouth. He is 35 years old. He is thin. My mother works at The DongFang supermarket. She has short liuxue86.com eyes, a short nose and a short mouth. She is not tall, not short, just right. She likes to eat apples.I love her because she is nice. I am a student. I am studying at MaoQiao Primary School. We are very happy.


there are 4 members in my warm family, my father, my mother my grendmother and i. My father is a worker, he works hard every day and makes the decision of the family. My mother is a teacher, she has many students which a lot of them have great achievement. My grendmother only stays at home every day , And I am a student reading in XX school, I worked hard on my study, and I have many friends.

In my family, we love each other. We are living in a happy life.



写花的作文 作文例文 采访作文 高三作文 春天来了作文二年级 作文《难忘的一天》 包饺子 作文 我的同学 作文 老师我想对你说作文400字 描写秋天景色的作文 我的爸爸作文300字 描写大海的作文 元旦节作文 感恩母亲作文 篮球比赛作文 温暖作文600字 规则作文 挨打的作文 写运动会的作文 议论文作文600字 冬至作文 考研英语作文 多彩的活动作文500字 这样的人让我什么作文 关于珍惜时间的作文 我的老师作文200字 成长中的快乐作文 坚持就是胜利作文 运动会作文400字 高考0分作文