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求一篇写人的高考英语作文 120字左右。不要复制的

2020-09-10 12:00:01

引用7438577的回答:My uncle is very humor. I remember once uncle, aunt and so on the good people to my home help my moms birthday, buy a big cake, do a desks. Time of have a meal, I go to uncle there to hold soup bowl, carry away, do not pay attention to the body and uncle, I want to uncle must be furious, I mouth the in a whisper: "this miserable, uncle certain to scold me." Unexpectedly, uncle unexpectedly smile happily of say to me: "you put the soup to I drink, you drink what you drink it." I hurriedly said born Im sorry. Then uncle said to me: "do what matter all to be careful, cant do HuangHuangMangMang." The uncle say that finish, everyone laugh my face is red. This is my uncle, a humorous uncle



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