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2020-09-10 12:21:01

div People always want to be excellent, nevertheless, they sometimes are distracted by quite a few things such as the mobile phone, computer and other temptation. As a consequence, they can not be successful. That because they dont have self discipline. Today, I will give you some advice about how to develop our self discipline. /div div nbsp;To start with, you need to set a clear goal. No matter how difficult it is, you should persist in accomplishing it. Provide that you fail to achieve your goal, never give up. At that time, the most important thing is to learn from your failure. /div div nbsp;Whats more, you can find a model who can supervise and restrain your behaviour. You are supposed to study his or her strengths to offset your own weakness. /div div nbsp;Last but not least, it is necessary for you to set an incentive system. When you make progress, you can reward yourself. /div div nbsp;I hope my suggestions will help you have self discipline to make the great success. /div



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