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2020-09-13 13:45:01

热爱生命英文读后感The famous novel "love life" was a sensation in Europe and America, and has been praised Lenin. Works to show the nature of the strong, brave and adventurous spirit of romance, "To Live" strong will to attract me deeply, is excited about reading. This novel, by Jack London with great artistic strength to calm a soul stirring account of the life and death struggle of the story, showing how to love life to help overcome the death of a person; Despite the Cross, the sick, exhausted, still in In the struggle to keep up with bare hands in the back of a uniform E Lang, and the world of ice and snow through the wildernestruggling to come to the beach, was finally rescued by a whaler.The tragic story, vividly demonstrates the great human and strong. Full display of the depths of human nature Moments, and vivid descriptions of a lifes tenacity and strong, struck up a tenacious hymn to life, the spirits can be described as awesome.Life itself contains enormous potential energy. Sometimes life is very fragile moment, it may come to naught; life, but sometimes unusual strong, so strong was amazing. This allows you to power in the face no matter what, even if you swallow is the wild, wild animals, or hunger, disease, and will support you bravely overcome it. And behind the scenes support life, the energy is no doubt that conviction. As long as the hearts of survival is also the belief that they do not easily give up their lives, On the other hand, love life, it is necess简爱英文读后感Jane eyre is a novel color autobiography, it explains the theme: peoples value = dignity + love.Jane. Love living in a parents, sponsor, grew up under the environment of treatment with peers, aunt abandon, cousin contempt, cousin insults and beating of a child... this is the dignity of the ruthless trample, but perhaps because it all, Jane. Love and faith of infinite indomitable spirit, a kind of inner personality can win.In rochester, she never because he is a teacher and the family status meanness, but that they feel inferior is equal. Should not because she is a servant, but not respected by others. Also because of her integrity, noble and pure heart, no pollution, secular society for the shock, and rochester her as a spiritual and equality in the conversation, and slowly and deeply in love with her.Jane eyre itself to us is a kind of simplified, is a fanpiaoguizhen, is a kind of pursuit of whole heart feeling, is a kind of simplified feelings and neglected, it is like a cup of water, purify every readers heart, also cause readers, especially female readers



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