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2020-09-13 15:42:01

1 冀教版七年级下作文汇编Unit1 A Trip to the Silk Road?内部Unit2 It s show time! Unit3 School Life Unit1 A Trip to the Silk Road Functions Talking about travelling Talking about places of interests 阐述自己的旅游计划或者经历, 着重注意计划或者活动发生的时间, 人称以及内容。切不可时态混乱。能够简单地描写名胜古迹的文章。例 1 五一 即将来临,紧张而劳累的校园生活即将告一段落。你的假期计划好了吗?请以 A Trip Plan for May Day 为题,谈一谈你的个人计划,词数不少于 80。范文 1A Trip Plan for May Day May Day is coming. I am very happy because I can relax myself during the vacation. I will travel to Beijing with my parents. We will leave for Beijing on the 29thof April. We will stay there for about three days. During the three days, we will visit many places of interest the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and so on. My mother likes shopping, so I will go shopping with her. I believe we will have fun there. What a great trip! I can t wait to go. 例 2假设你要到北京旅行,请你写一个旅游计划。 80 词左右。参考词汇: the Great Wall, Tian anmen Square, the Palace Museum 提示: 1. How do you get there? 2. Who will you go there with? 3. Where do you want to visit? 范文 2My Plan of Beijing Trip I will take a trip to Beijing and stay there for three days. I will go there by plane 2 with my parents. I will put some clothes and books in my bag. On the first day, we will visit my uncle and aunt. They live in Beijing. On the second day, we will go to the Great Wall with my uncle and aunt. On the third day, we will go to Tian anmen Square and the Palace Museum. I think we will take many photos there. This is my plan. I think I will have a good time in Beijing. Unit2 It s show time! Functions Talking about weekends or pleasant days 本单元主要介绍学生在学习过后的课余生活, 重要阐述自身在繁忙的日常生活中如何放松心情。注意写作时态。例 1在你成长的过程中,总会有些日子让你开心快乐,经久难忘。请以 My Pleasant Day 为题写一篇不少于 80 词的短文,讲述你那天的活动和感受范文 1My Pleasant Day I had a pleasant day last Sunda...



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