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2020-09-14 17:15:01

八年级英语上册期末作文集锦一.对我们来说好习惯很重要,也使我们受益终生。请根据以下短语,选择不少于两种习惯,并1. take notes in class 2. finish the schoolwork on time3. do sports for about an hour 4. do something to relax 5. read some booksDear classmates,It is very important for us to have a good habit.As a student, it is a good habit to listen to the teacher carefully in class. And we had better take notes when necessary. It is also a good habit to finish the schoolwork on time and help each other with our studies.Its necessary for us to do sports for about an hour every day. I usually do something to relax, after I finished my homework. And I often read some books to learn more about the world before I go to bed every day.A good habit will really help us in our study and daily life.二.每个人都有自己难忘的经历,如一次旅行,一次聚会,一场运动会......请以I can’t forget 为题写一篇短文。I cant forget the tripIf you ask me which trip I cant forget, my answer is the trip to Beijing.My family went to Beijing last summer vacation.We went there by plane. We visited Tian anmen Square and many other interesting places. We also did some shopping and ate Beijing roast duckI cant forget this trip because I could travel with my parents and we enjoyed ourselves. I also made two new friends from Xiamen and learned a lot from this travel.三.你更喜欢住在城市还是乡村?请写一篇100词左右的英语短文,谈谈你的想法。I prefer living in the countryside to living in the city. I like living there better because of the following reasons.First, the countryside is more beautiful and we can enjoy the beauty of nature. In the countryside, the sky is bluer, the cloud is whiter, the air is fresher and there are beautiful flowers, green grass and tall trees everywhere.Second, life in the countryside is more interesting.We can catch fish in the river, plant vegetables in the yard,hear birds singing in the trees and so on.Third, living in the countryside is more pleasant. People there are kinder and more friendly. They often help each other like a big familyIn a word, I think the countryside is a more wonderful place than the city and I prefer to live there.四.手机给人们的生活带来了翻天复地的变化。在人们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用。请以How to use the mobile phone rightly?为题目写一篇100字左右的短文。介绍一下你怎么正确使用手机的。How to use the mobile phone rightly?Every coin has two sides. On the one hand, mobile phones make it convenient for people to keep in touch with each other. Whats more, we can also play games,take photos and listen to music on the mobile phones. On the other hand, they also have many disadvantages. Many people play their mobile phones when they are studying and working. Most people spend most of time on it. Last but not least, mobile phones are bad for our health. They are bad for our eyes.We should use the mobile phones rightly. Don’t spend too much time on it.五.随着手机的普及,越来越多的人痴迷于手机,纷纷加入低头族。请你参考下图反映的现象及内容提示,围绕”拒为低头族”(stop phubbing),用英语写一篇80词左右短文。开头已给出,不计入总词数。内容提示:1.我身边也有很多低头族,非常喜欢玩手机。2.他们不停用手机发信息、上网、玩游戏或拍照。3.影响学习和生活。上课或工作时间玩手机极大浪费时间。4.引发健康问题,长时间玩手机引发眼、背、颈痛。 Nowadays, lots of people have their own mobile phones, but more and more people are lost in their mobile phones. We often see people looking at their mobile phone everywhere all the time, taking no notice of the people around them. There is a lot of phubbing around me. They like playing with mobile phones very much. They can’t stop sending text messages, surfing the Internet, playing mobile games and even taking photos with mobile phones.However, phubbing is bad for not only our studies, but also our life. Phubbing, whether playing phone games or sending text message, especially in class or at work, is a big waste of time. What’s more, it is bad for health. For example, using a mobile phone too much can cause eyes or back and neck pain.Now it is time for us to throw away our phones and raise our heads. We should do more exercise and take part in real life activities. When we use phones properly we can live a happy life.六.每个人的生命只有一次,你平安,快乐,健康地成长是父母最大的心愿,你保护好生命是对父母最好的报答。请以How to protec 学科网每份资料都启用了数字版权保护,仅限个人学习研究使用。任何分享、转载行为都会导致账号被封,情节严重者,追究法律责任!



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